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Proper Breathing & Positioning Are Linked to Sleep Quality

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

It is a widely known fact that we all need a certain amount of sleep to function properly. Most of us try to get a solid 7 or 8 hours of sleep as often as we can, but fail to pay attention to the quality of sleep that we are getting on a nightly basis. While many factors affect the quality of sleep we get, like outside noises, a spouse that tosses and turns, or simply not having enough time in the day to get enough sleep, there are surprisingly a few simple ways that we can enhance the quality of our sleep that we do get. We have to make sure we are breathing properly and positioned properly while sleeping. To do this, we must consider what we are sleeping on. What are our pillows and mattress doing to ensure we get the highest quality of sleep possible?

The best place to start is to examine what we lay our heads on. Proper pillow support can make a huge difference in the quality of sleep we are getting. Having the proper alignment of the face, neck and airway will increase oxygen intake and help ensure proper breathing. With a plethora of choices varying in size and shape, it is hard to know which one is the right one. There are thin pillows, plump pillows, contoured pillows, memory foam pillows and even latex foam pillows just to name a few. Finding the right pillow may prove to be a challenge, but well worth the reward. For some, finding the right pillow might combat the problem of snoring, and for others the perfect pillow just might prevent sleep apnea. Pillows made from latex conform to the natural shape of our head and neck allowing for proper alignment while increasing airflow, allowing us to take in more oxygen and breathe more deeply giving us a truly restful night's sleep.

But the pillow, alone can't ensure the best rest possible. In addition to finding the right pillow we need to look into what our sleep surface is made of. Is the mattress dust mite resistant and hypo-allergenic? If not we are depriving ourselves of high quality sleep. Dust Mites can accumulate in standard mattresses and after time wreak havoc on our allergies causing us to sneeze and cough throughout the night leading to a horrible night's sleep and grogginess the next day. Over time, this pattern will create health problems. Finding a mattress that is both dust mite resistant and hypo-allergenic is as simple as considering latex, which also conforms to the body, giving proper alignment and opening airways for proper breathing. A new mattress set can be a costly investment, and if now is not the time to open your wallet for a new set, making a small adjustment can do the trick. Simply adding a latex mattress topper is a more economical way to go and can still make enough of a change to enhance air quality and oxygen intake because it is dust mite resistant, hypo-allergenic, and it does maintain proper spinal support.

Finally, there is a one other area that deserves attention and that is our sheets. Maybe it is time to try a new set of sheets. There are sheets on the market made from many different materials but we may want to look into a set of organic cotton sheets. A quick internet search will show a number of retailers. Organic cotton sheets breathe well and they will keep you cool in the summer.

With life as hectic as it can be, it is nice to know there is something we can do to help restore our body and mental health while we sleep so we can be better served to face each new day rested and ready. Changing your pillow, your mattress, adding a latex mattress topper or even just buying new sheets, can help to improve oxygen intake giving you a more restful and satisfying night's sleep.

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