Read Sleep Apnea Remedy - 6 Natural Remedies For Sleep Apnea a lot more

Looking for a sleep apnea remedy? Here are 6 different remedy ideas that you can try:

Take care of your health:

a) Lose weight. Even a 10% reduction in weight can reduce or eliminate your sleep apnea.
b) Don't smoke. This relaxes the muscles in your throat and can induce snoring.
c) Don't drink any alcoholic beverages. This also relaxes the muscles in your mouth and throat and can cause you to snore.
d) Avoid taking any sedatives before you go to bed.
e) Perform snoring exercises to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for causing you to snore.

2. Use an over-the-counter solution to open up your nasal passages.

a) Use a nasal strip.
b) Use a nasal dilator.
c) Use a nasal spray.
d) Use a throat spray.
e) Wear a chin strap while you sleep.

3. Make a few modifications to your sleeping habits as follows:

a) Do not sleep flat on your back.
b) Sleep on your side if at all possible.
c) Keep your head elevated.
d) Use a firm pillow.
e) Use a sleep positioner as a wedge to prevent you from rolling onto your back while you sleep.

4. Make a few modifications to your diet as follows:

a) Consume a couple of teaspoons of honey before you go to bed at night.
b) Avoid consuming any dairy products such as milk, yogurt, or ice cream before bedtime.

5. Sometimes you can open up your nasal passages by stimulating your olfactory senses:

a) Apply a vapor rub to your chest before bed.
b) Use aromatherapy solutions.
c) Take a warm steam bath before bed and inhale the warm vapors.

6. Use these other solutions that require medical intervention:

a) Use a mouth guard to help keep your mouth closed while you sleep.
b) Wear a snoring monitor that detects when you are snoring and gives you a gentle jolt to disrupt your sleeping pattern that is causing the snoring.
c) Use acupressure to alleviate the symptoms of snoring.
d) Consult with a medical professional on surgical solutions to stop snoring.

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Want to cure your snoring problem permanently, once and for all? Why haven't you tried these natural exercises [] to stop snoring [] yet?

Sleep Apnea Remedy - 6 Natural Remedies For Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Pillow