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Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Causes of sleep apnea is what many people were trying to find out in order to get the right treatment for the condition, a sleep disorder that may become very serious. But no matter what the cause is, the effect is still the same... and by "effect" I mean the interruption of breathing thus disrupting the resting activity of a person.

If you suffer from this condition, basically what that means is that there is an estimated 10 second interval in every breath you breath, thus creating an oxygen loss in the blood for about three to four percent (sometimes more). With this disorder, the problem lies not only with disturbed sleep but with the internal processing of the body as well. That could be one of the reasons why a person with such sleeping disorder would experience havoc and weakness everyday in their lives.

Cause of sleep apnea is possibly either of the following:

* Excessive fat or obesity. An estimated 70% of those people who are suffering from this disorder are obese. Obesity and sleep apnea have this interrelated relationship; that means obesity can cause sleep apnea.

* Nasal blockage or congestion triggered by either sinusitis, colds, smoking or allergies.

* Large adenoids or tonsils which can be a cause of nasal blockage.

* Some distinct physical characteristics. That includes the shape of the neck and head, deviated septum, enlarged tongue, and receding chin.

* Your tongue and throat muscles are more relaxed than normal when sleeping. It could be due to aging, sedative and alcohol intakes.

Oxygen and sleep deprivation can be one cause also. Though it might seem as not dangerous enough, still the result of this deprivation may be fatal.

Sleep deprivation doesn't only hurt the people who have the disorder but their bed partners as well. It can compromise the health stability, lower the rate of mentality and can increase the percentage of easily getting irate. Oxygen deprivation can cause serious problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, memory problems, and sexual dysfunction.

Cause of sleep apnea; know it and you will be better able to seek the best treatment for your situation.

Got questions about sleep apnea? Suffering every night? Understanding the cause of sleep apnea [http://sleep-good.com/cause-of-sleep-apnea/] is the first step in finding the best treatment for you. Go to sleep-good.com [http://sleep-good.com/] and sleep better TONIGHT!