Study After Sleeping Less Than 8 Hours, Do You Have Poor Driving Skills? It Could Be Sleep Apnea more

A study recently concluded that individuals that suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea were more apt to be in a vehicular accident after sleeping, than those with normal sleep patterns. This study utilized thirty eight patients who were known to have OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) and twenty subjects with normal sleep cycles.

Each subject had to complete 3 mid-afternoon driving tests on a simulator. The first driving test was completed after each of the individuals were well rested after a normal 8 hour sleep event. This test served as a baseline for measuring the subjects in the future sessions.

On the second set of driving tests, each person was restricted to only 4 hours of sleep and was instructed to drive the simulated course. The simulator situation was designed to experience night driving on an isolated road and navigate normal turns about every 10 minutes or so. Each subject had to navigate the turns and adjust back to 2 lane driving during the ongoing test. On the third set of tests, both control groups were not only restricted to 4 hours of sleep, but were also provided the legal limit of alcohol that would normally be consumed within a 1 hour period. The study concluded the performance of the 38 OSA patients were significantly worse than the other test subjects.

Driving while tired, is well known to affect the reflexes and mental alertness of drivers and the increase in accidents sleepiness may cause. What this test data suggests, is that individuals who are also suffering from sleep disorders like Obstructive Sleep Apnea, are more likely to be in an accident under the same conditions. Individuals who suspect that they may have a sleep disorder preventing them from long restful periods of sleep may need to pay more attention to the dangers of driving with minimal amounts of rest. In addition, these individuals need to be especially aware that mixing a small level of alcohol with restricted sleep conditions can be a deadly combination.

In conclusion, if there are periods where you may feel that your mental alertness is in question after sleeping 6-8 hours, you may be a candidate for Obstructive Sleep Apnea or other sleep disorder. It may be prudent to seek medical assistance before getting behind the wheel at night after a late dinner. This decision could very well save your life as well as those around you.

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After Sleeping Less Than 8 Hours, Do You Have Poor Driving Skills? It Could Be Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Pillow