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Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep apnea is a fairly common sleep disorder that can affect both adults and children. It causes you to stop breathing or experience low breathing at certain points during sleep. Each period of not breathing is known as an apnea and can last anywhere from a few seconds to minutes. This can occur any number of times from 5 to 30 or more every hour. The condition can be diagnosed by spending a night in a sleep lab and suffers have problems with daytime fatigue, slowed reactions and vision problems. There are three different types of this condition which we will detail below.

Obstructive Apnea
This is the most common type of sleep apnea and is caused by the relaxed muscles around the throat obstructing breathing. People with excessive soft tissue in that area, usually due to obesity are at particular risk of sleep apnea. It is important to seek treatment as this can lead to sleep deprivation, low blood oxygen levels and other serious issues and complications.

The risk of developing this kind of sleep apnea increases with weight, age and if you are a smoker or suffer with diabetes. Men are more likely to develop it than women or children but it can affect anyone. Symptoms usually include loud snoring, restless sleep and daytime fatigue.

Central Apnea
This type of sleep apnea is also known as Cheyne-Stokes respiration and occurs when the brains respiratory control centres are off balance during sleep. This condition can be much more severe than the one described above because there is no struggling or attempting by the body to breathe. The sufferer will just drift in and out of breathing due to brain malfunction.

Stopping breathing means that the body suffers with hypoxia (a lack of oxygen in the body) and hypercapnia (an excess of carbon dioxide in the body). A lack of oxygen can lead to brain damage, heart problems, seizures and in the worst cases sudden death. Too much carbon dioxide in the blood can lead to conditions such as metabolic acidosis.

Mixed Apnea or Complex Apnea
Mixed apnea as you would probably guess is a mixture of the two conditions described above. In most cases of mixed apnea the central apnea will occur as a direct result of the obstructive sleep apnea but can also be brought on by drug use, particularly narcotics.

Treatment for the varying kinds of sleep apnea range from simple lifestyle changes to surgery depending on the type and severity of the condition. In some cases it can be as simple as adjusting your sleeping position or switching to a memory foam mattress. If you use a lot of alcohol or drugs (prescription or not) cutting down or stopping completely can make a difference. Maxillomandibular advancement is the most popular and considered the most effective. It works by increasing the posterior airway space and is a very low risk surgery with a very high success rate.

Another less conventional method is to learn and play a wind musical instrument. This can strengthen the muscles around the throat and reduce the risk of obstructive sleep apnea.

Cosy Mattress specialise in the sale of a whole range of different sizes and types of memory foam mattress. This type of mattress can be very effective in helping with all sorts of sleeping problems such as sleep apnea as well as back and joint pains. Even if you suffer with no such complaints, a memory foam mattress can still help you get a better nights sleep.

Study Sleep Apnea Cures - Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea in No Time! a lot more

Sleep Apnea

Everyone who has obstructive sleep apnea wants to find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible. They are probably experiencing the negative side effects of this common disease and have had enough - all they want is a good night's rest. But, they may be afraid to go visit their doctor or get a checkup because of what they might find. In severe cases, this may be necessary, but more often than not, just a simple change in your habits can take care of your sleep issues right away. Here are some of the various techniques used to get rid of your sleep disorder - choose a sleep apnea cure, implement it, and you will see improvements in no time!

Diet Related Cures

One of the first sleep apnea cures that can fix your issues in a hurry is a change in diet. Most people don't know this, but what you eat and drink before you go to bed has a huge effect on the quality of your rest. Not only do things like coffee and tea make it difficult for you to fall a sleep due to the caffeine, they can also tense up throat muscles, constricting your airways. There are many other diet related issues that can compromise the quality of your sleep.

Health Related Cures

There are some things related to your general health that will also help you with your sleeping issues. Something as simple as losing some weight has been shown to reduce the occurrence of sleep related disorders like sleep apnea. Not only will losing weight help you sleep better, it will improve your overall health condition and make you feel better.

Simple Techniques

Along with the aforementioned sleep apnea cures, there are a few simple techniques that you can use to help mitigate the effects of your sleep disorder. Things such as your body position and the way your head lays in relation to your body play a huge role in the quality of your sleep. If you can learn how to position yourself correctly, you can get rid of your sleep issues in no time.

There is no single sleep apnea treatment that works for everyone - you need to try a few (or even a combination of multiple techniques) to get your sleep issues taken care of. There is really no need to visit your doctor and get strong medication or even surgery to take care of your issues - you can fix it yourself at home using some very simple techniques!

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Sleep Apnea Cures - Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea in No Time!

Sleep Apnea

Read Sleep Apnea Types a lot more

Sleep Apnea Types

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder defined as a disruption of breathing while asleep. Many people do not even realize they have this disease, but if left untreated sleep apnea can be life-threatening and lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The main effects of this are sleep deprivation and oxygen deprivation.

The following are symptoms of sleep disorder: frequent silences during sleep, loud snoring, chocking or gasping sounds made during sleep, sudden awakenings; and daytime sleepiness. First of all not everyone that snores has sleep disorder - snoring is just one symptom.

There are three different types of sleep disorder.
The most common type of sleep disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This type of sleep disorder is caused by an obstruction which stops the flow of air to the nose and mouth. When the breathing stops, blood oxygen levels fall which forces the heart to work harder. By the heart working harder, the blood pressure rises, and may cause an irregular heartbeat. The primary causes of OSA include: obesity; large adenoids or tonsils; deviated septum; enlarged tongue; nasal congestion or blockage due to an allergy; and throat muscles and tongue that relax more than normal. OSA occurs most commonly in overweight men ranging from age 30 to 50.

Both sleep deprivation and oxygen deprivation can result in health problems. An individual with sleep deprivation will experience fatigue, loss of memory, slurred speech, irritability, hypertension, tremors, obesity, blurred vision, slower reaction time, anxiety, irritability, unable to solve problems, inability to focus on thoughts or tasks, decreased level of energy, and clumsiness. In individual suffering from oxygen deprivation can suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, sexual dysfunction, and problems with learning and memory.

Another type of sleep apnea is Central Sleep Apnea or CSA. This is type is not as common as OSA. This type of sleep apnea occurs when that part of the brain and nerves that controls breathing does not work properly which causes breathing to be impaired. The cause of CSA is usually a stroke or head injury. CSA occurs most commonly occurs in adults or infants with heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or congenital disease; however, it can also be caused by some medications and high altitudes.

The third and final type of this sleeping disorder is Mixed Sleep Apnea and is rare. The type of sleep apnea is a combination of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea.

A minor case of sleep disorder is quite responsive to self-help treatments such as: weight loss; stop using alcohol, tobacco, and sedatives; sleeping on your side versus on your back; elevating the head of the bed (approximately 4-5 inches); maintaining of regular sleep hours; and the use of nasal dilator, nasal spray, or breathe right strips.

With severe cases of sleep disorder the above self-help treatments may not be enough, after an individual undergoes a test called a polysomnogamn at a sleep clinic and diagnosed by a sleep specialist with the sleep disorder disease, the recommend treatment may consist of a breathing assistance device, surgery, drugs, or dental/oral devices.

Go to Sleep Apnea Zone to get your free ebook on Sleep Apnea at Sleep Apnea []. Sleep Apnea Zone also has information on Sleep Apnea Types [] along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Sleep Apnea Community site today for free ebooks and other free information that can help you today.

Read through Sleep Apnea - How It Works more

Sleep Apnea - How It Works

Sleep Apnea

People who have sleep apnea stop breathing temporarily during their sleep at night. Therefore, they wake up feeling tire and irritable as well as having a sore mouth and throat. In some cases, the person can wake up gasping for air. Others seem to be able to survive the ordeal and sleep naturally.

Danger of sleep apnea

When a person suffers from sleep apnea, he or she does not have enough oxygen in their blood. It can bring sudden death. It can also cause heart disease, behavioral problems and brain damage.

Types of sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea: This is the most common type. About 90 percent of sufferers have the obstructive version of the disease. It occurs when the muscles in the back of your throat relax and then collapse.

Central sleep apnea: This occurs when your brain does not send the proper signals that control the breathing muscles.

Risk factors

If you have the following symptoms, you are more than likely to get the disease.

Excess weight

Thick neck

Being male



Usage of sleep medications

Diagnosis and treatment

Your doctor will do a sleep test on you for diagnosis. This is done at the hospital itself. You may have to attach yourself to the different measuring apparatus and fall asleep during the test.

For treatment, your doctor can use oral devices that open the blocked airways or the CPAPP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). This is a device that blows air into your nose at night. In serious cases of the disease, you must undergo surgery. However, for less severe cases, losing weight seems to do the job.

You can cure sleep apnea if you have matchstick bamboo shades and matchstick shades at home. They make your bedroom much darker, which gives you better sleep quality.

Examine Sleep Apnea Cure extra

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that has been diagnosed in most adults that snore. With recent increase in the number of people being diagnosed with it in the recent years, it is still rare that children show these symptoms. Sleep disorder specialists have differentiated sleep apnea into two basic categories based on the basis of signs and symptoms. Obstructive and Central sleep apnea disorder that are a serious health concern for anyone diagnosed with this disorder.

In recent years, OSA or Obstructive Sleep Apnea has affected more than 2% women and at least 4% men with an ever increasing number all over the world. However the number keeps changing as per the number of people under study while if the symptoms are low, it can be managed easily. If you look at symptoms and signs of obstructive apnea, it leads to constant sleep disruption and moderate to severe snoring which leads to sleep deprivation and lack of concentration. Sleep deprivation leads to numerous health issues, behavioural changes, low alertness levels, poor concentration that has led to numerous accidents at work and in the home.

Sleep deprived individuals that are diagnosed with it usually suffer from hypertension, diabetes and other related health issues. It prevents normal breathing patterns every night due to severe obstructions in the respiratory passages. The severe snoring leads to sudden stoppage in breathing as the tongue falls back into the throat or the airways gets constricted or narrow that prevents oxygen supply, leading to sudden chocking and coughing. Increasing irregularities in sleep patterns, sleep deprivation are serious health issues that are a symptom of sleep.

Cardiac arrests, blood clot formations, strokes are other reasons of innumerable fatalities that are directly or indirectly connected with snoring. Most studies have linked brain aneurysm and irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia with this disease occurring due to lack of oxygen in the blood stream. Low oxygen levels are due to obstructive breathing patterns during sleep. If you often get up chocking or coughing from deep sleep and snore moderate to heavy, you either have sleep apnea or are about to be diagnosed with it. Sleep apnea is a serious issue that needs immediate medical attention and snoring is a leading cause for it.

While Central sleep apnea which is not as common as OSA as this rarity is due to cerebrum-vascular diseases congenital heart diseases or may be due to side effects of medicines. But the common factor between both the apneas is low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels in the blood. However, the best remedy is prevention. So if you are a habitual snorer, it is good to seek medical help at a sleep disorder center. In most cases a polysomnography is recommended to check your sleep patterns.

But if you a mild to moderate snorer, using effective snoring solutions can help you ward off sleep apnea. These snoring solutions help you sleep better with reduced or no snoring at night, helping you and your family stay healthy.

Dr.Anita Choudhary researches and writes for Browse our site for more information about anti snoring treatment and related issues.

Sleep Apnea Cure

Sleep Apnea

Go through Sleep Apnea Cures much more

Sleep apnea (apnea from the Greek meaning "without breath") is a sleep disorder characterized by frequent pauses of breathing during sleep. These pauses can occur up to a hundred times a night, and can last as long as a minute each. Generally, sleep apnea is a chronic disorder, meaning once diagnosed, it lasts a lifetime. According to the National Institutes of Health, there are no sleep apnea cures. Treatments exist, however, that so dramatically reduce the severity of the disorder, that the patient is "cured" of many of the effects of sleep apnea.

Three types of sleep apnea have been defined: obstructive, central and mixed. Of the three, obstructive is the most common, characterized by physical obstructions of the airway. Possible sleep apnea cures for this type of sleep apnea range from lifestyle changes to surgery. Limiting alcohol, using a special pillow, losing weight, and quitting smoking can reduce the sleep apnea symptoms. Oral appliances can be possible sleep apnea cures by keeping the airway open, and preventing the jaw and/or tongue from relaxing to cause obstructions.

Most often used of the sleep apnea cures are the CPAPs, or continuous positive airway pressure machines. These do not cure sleep apnea so much as provide methods to prevent sleep apnea events from occurring. They work via a medical pump, which, through a flexible tube attached to a facemask, pushes a controlled stream of air into the patient's airway during sleep. The air acts as a splint to keep the airway open, much the way air inflates a balloon.

Surgery is often proposed as one of the sleep apnea cures. There are procedures that can remove tissue, widen airways, etc. to prevent obstruction of the airway, thereby providing sleep apnea cures. To affect these surgical sleep apnea cures the surgeon may remove tonsils, adenoids or excess tissue at the back of the throat or inside the nose. In addition, the surgeon may reconstruct the jaw. The procedure for these surgical sleep apnea cures can involve a scalpel, a laser, or a microwaving probe.

Surgical therapy as a sleep apnea cure for obstructive sleep apnea is based on identifying the sites of airway obstruction, possibly the nose, the soft palate and the tongue. Most of those procedures have been used for years and clinical outcomes have verified their use. New techniques are continuously being evaluated and are only utilized when there is sufficient medical evidence to support efficacy and safety.

Surgical sleep apnea cures may remove the basic cause of obstructive sleep apnea, but there are several points to consider. First, undergoing anesthesia and an operation is always a risk to the patient. In addition, it is possible that one surgery will not relieve the entire problem, thus requiring a sequence of surgeries over time. If the surgical sleep apnea cures are unsuccessful, they may impede the effectiveness of other kinds of sleep apnea treatments. Lastly, the side effects of surgical sleep apnea cures can be severe, such as pain and swelling of the throat.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site provides practical information on treatments and known sleep apnea cures

by T. D. Houser

Sleep Apnea Cures

Study Throat Exercises Help Sufferers of Sleep Apnea far more

Sleep Apnea is an affliction that affects a huge percentage of the American population. For those who have severe sleep apnea, breathing machines are required to make it through the night. The machines use Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) to keep the airways open, allowing users to sleep through the night.

For most, though, there are few "cures" for the disruptive disorder. But what if there were a way to mimic a CPAP machine and keep your airways open throughout the night without spending the thousands of dollars that are charged for the machines?

Many sufferers have found at least partial relief by using memory foam contour pillows. The pillows align head, neck and spine, which keeps the throat in a more open position. But pillows work around the problem, they don't do anything to fix, treat or cure apnea.

Throat exercises do actually make a difference for sufferers of sleep apnea. Whether you have tolerable sleep apnea, waking only a few times per night, or severe apnea, the exercises could help to strengthen your throat walls. Stronger walls are less vulnerable, so they collapse less. Less collapses means more sleep!

The first study was published in a 2009 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Two groups were monitored; one group did breathing exercises and the other focused on throat exercises. Daily throat strengthening exercises included 30 minutes of tongue exercises, swallowing and chewing. After three months, sleep apnea was decreased by 39% in the throat exercise group. No change was recorded in the breathing group.

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Throat Exercises Help Sufferers of Sleep Apnea

Study What is Sleep Apnea? far more

Sleep Apnea: An Overview

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a common nighttime breathing disorder that affects more than 15 million Americans. Sleep apnea affects men and women of all ages; even children can suffer from sleep apnea. Without treatment, living with the disorder may cause significant complications including daytime sleepiness, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, mood disorders and poor daytime function. Most people who have sleep apnea do not realize that they have the condition; even though their sleep is frequently interrupted throughout the night. People suffering from sleep apnea will wake often through out the night due to their oxygen being restricted or completely cut off. When apnea sufferers awaken, normal breathing is restored; however, they do not enter a state of complete wakefulness. The apneic events can continue unnoticed because sufferers do not fully awake or recognize they are waking though out the night. With sleep apnea, breathing may temporarily stop or become shallow hundreds of times during a night's sleep.

A frequently reported symptom related to sleep apnea is daytime sleepiness, some times being so extreme people have reported drifting off at work or while driving. Other common complaints include lack of concentration and poor mental agility that can lead to poor performance at work and an unfulfilling life. In Greek, "apnea" means "with out breath". There are two types of Sleep Apnea, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which is the most common, and Central Sleep Apnea.

The cause of Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when the air passage at the back of the throat becomes blocked. When muscles in the throat relax, this causes the soft palate to relax as well, which then narrows the airway. This same course of events also causes snoring, although, not all people who snore have obstructive sleep apnea. As one breathes in through the mouth or nose, the airway narrows further or completely closes and cuts breath short. The airflow restriction causes a gasping sensation, which prompts a period of shallow wakefulness. While partially awake, normal breathing is restored. This persistent blockage of the airway can happen several times an hour, replaying the course of events through out the night, causing a fragmented night of sleep.

Central Sleep Apnea occurs when your brain fails to send impulses to the body to breath. Central Sleep Apnea takes its name from the Central Nervous System, which regulates the body's necessary functions. This instability in the brain's respiratory control center can have several causes, the most common being central nervous system dysfunctions or individuals who have suffered a stroke. People who suffer from heart failure or other heart and lung conditions may also develop Central Sleep Apnea.

Who apnea affects...

Obstructive Sleep Apnea can affect men and women, at any age, and even children can develop sleep apnea. Men are at greater risk. The risk increases if you are over weight and over forty years of age. Other risk factors include a large neck size; 17 inches or greater for men or 16 inches or greater for women. Large tonsils or a large amount of tissue at the back of your throat can cause increased blockage and higher risk as well. Obstructive Sleep Apnea can run in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component.

How apnea affects your body and mind...

There are many different effects sleep apnea can have on you, both physically and mentally, ranging from mildly irritating to life threatening. One effect is excessive daytime sleepiness. Most people do not realize when they drift off for a moment or two, but the effects can be devastating. Sufferers may notice they have a problem concentrating and an increase in forgetfulness or trouble learning new things. Some of these symptoms of sleep apnea can be confused with symptoms of depression because they are so similar; personality changes, irritability, mood swings, memory problems, feeling lethargic and perhaps even feeling depressed are some of the shared similarities.

Signs and Symptoms...

A common sign of obstructive sleep apnea is a sore or dry throat in the morning upon waking. Frequently people with apnea will wake several times during the night, sometimes by their own snoring, or from a choking or gasping sensation caused by their airway being blocked. These wakeful periods during the night interrupt their sleep and cause daytime sleepiness, which is another well documented symptom. Some other symptoms may be observed; such as forgetfulness, mood changes, headaches or a decreased sex drive. People with central sleep apnea may experience many of the same symptoms as people with obstructive sleep apnea.

How is it diagnosed?

Only a medical professional can diagnose Sleep Apnea. If you're suspicious you have sleep apnea or suffer from the common symptoms, see your health care provider. Your health care provider may suggest that you have a sleep test done to determine the cause of your symptoms; the test usually includes a polysomnogram or a Multiple Sleep Latency Test. A polysomnogram will electrically monitor your heart rate, breathing and muscle activity throughout a night of sleep. A sleep specialist and your health care provider will analyze the electronic records created. A Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) will simply measure how long it takes you to fall asleep or if you are apt to fall asleep when you would normally be awake. If sleep apnea is discovered during the sleep study, you may be asked back for further testing to detect the most appropriate treatment.

What to expect...

Sleep tests are typically done at sleep centers or hospitals. When you arrive, you will have a private room, which may be decorated to feel more like home than a medical facility. Some hospitals or centers allow you to bring your own clothes to sleep in, to promote relaxation and a sense of ease. Your room will be near the monitoring area where the sleep technicians can monitor the information collected by the polysomnograph. When you are ready to sleep the technicians will attach the monitoring devices. Most people have little trouble sleeping with them on as they consist of a few electrodes, a belt to monitor your heart rate and breathing, and an oximeter fitted over a fingertip to measure the oxygen level in your blood.

If your health care provider desires you to have a MSLT, it will most likely be done at a sleep center or hospital as well. The test is done to measure the amount of time it takes for you to achieve sleep, or to determine if you are predisposed to fall asleep when you should be fully awake. A sleep technologist will video tape you while you sleep to record your movements during the night or to note the number of times you drift off during your normal waking hours.

What can be done?

There are several different treatment options for sleep apnea ranging from conservative therapy to major surgery.

The most common treatment is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). A CPAP machine consists of a specially fitted mask that covers your mouth and/or nose while you sleep. The machine delivers a continuous flow of air into your nostrils. The pressurized air flowing into your airways promotes open airways so breathing is not impaired while you sleep.

Some people with obstructive sleep apnea find their cure with dental devices. These appliances are specially designed to keep airways open during sleep. Dentists that have a specialty dealing with obstructive sleep apnea, customize the devices for the wearer.

Surgery is a treatment option for apnea as well. Surgical options often involve procedures that attempt to increase the diameter of the upper airway.

Individuals with sleep apnea may be instructed to make lifestyle changes. Some suggestions may include weight loss to alleviate constriction of the throat. Avoidance of alcohol, over-the-counter sedatives and other unnecessary sedating agents is also recommended, as these may further relax the muscles at the back of your throat.

What to do?

See your doctor for an evaluation if you feel that you are experiencing the symptoms mentioned above like daytime sleepiness, snoring and gasping, morning headaches, or waking through out the night. Only a trained health care provider can diagnose sleep apnea. Your health care provider will evaluate your sleep troubles and may refer you to a sleep specialist, who has special training in sleep medicine. Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that may lead to other conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, irregular heartbeat or stroke so early treatment is desirable.

Sleep Apnea

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea

Read through Treating Sleep Apnea - Alternatives to CPAP Therapy far more

Treating Sleep Apnea - Alternatives to CPAP Therapy

Sleep Apnea Pillow

The alternatives to CPAP therapy are a life saver for many sleep apnea patients. Not all the persons with sleep apnea can tolerate a CPAP treatment. There many reasons why they give up their treatment, depending on each patient.

Here are several reasons:
feeling of suffocation
dry mouth, which is the most common side effect
dryness of nose or nasal congestion
mask discomfort
the noise of the breathing machine
the feeling of claustrophobia
Fortunately, there are solutions for these problems, and some of them are really effective. There is no issue that cannot be worked out, especially with the advanced technology of today.

The most common alternative for CPAP treatment is a dental device or an oral appliance. This device is used to relieve the upper airway obstruction and snoring by modifying the position of the mandible, tongue, and other oral structures.

An oral appliance also prevents the tongue from blocking the airway passages.

Before choosing this type of therapy is very important to consult your doctor. He knows that not all the appliances can help your breathing disorder.

However, there are some disadvantages here, and the most common complaint is discomfort and salivation. The statistics show that this alternative therapy is more successful in patients with non-severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Bilevel positive airway pressure or BPAP is another alternative to CPAP machine, and they are more efficient. BPAP machines provides two pressure levels, one during inhalation and a lower one during exhalation. The pressure drop during exhalation is designed to increase comfort for patients who have trouble exhaling against an continuous incoming pressure, such as CPAP.

Behavioral therapy is an important part of your life when you are dealing with sleep apnea, and in mild cases this type of therapy may be all that is needed.
you should avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping pills, which make the airway more likely to collapse during sleep.
if you have problems with obesity, you can benefit from losing weight. Even a 10 percent weight loss can reduce the number of apneic events for most patients.
sleeping in a side position is often helpful. Try using a pillow or other device that may help you with this.
Playing at didgeridoo - this is the newest alternative to cpap treatment on the market, and is very well accepted by patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. This might be due to training of the muscles of the upper airways, which control airway dilation and wall stiffening.

Regular playing of a didgeridoo reduces daytime sleepiness and snoring in people with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and also improves the sleep quality of partners.

One final piece of advice: A new field of medicine offers fertile ground for scams. Shameless people are quick to exploit people's hopes and fears. Claims of miracle cures for sleep apnea are already germinating on internet. So, before trying an alternative treatment for CPAP, speak with your doctor about this option and listen to his opinion.

Thiery Remy You independent guide to Sleep Apnea Treatments and the author of website.

If your are dealing with Sleep Apnea, quickly download his Free Sleep Apnea Guide Handbook that shows you the most important tips to have a good quality of life.

Examine Apnea Sleep Tests additional

Apnea Sleep Tests

Sleep Apnea

Have you had an apnea sleep test? If not you may need one as it is important for you and your doctor to learn whether your apnea is mild, moderate or severe. This article describes 5 apnea sleep tests that can tell how severe your problem is, and what to expect if you are required to take one. Be sure to read through to the end of this article so you will not miss any of this vital information.

Difficult to Diagnose

Because there are so many different symptoms associated with sleep apnea, which overlap other health conditions, it can sometimes be difficult to diagnose and may require an apnea sleep test to make a definitive diagnosis. There are several tests available for doctors to use when diagnosing apnea, choosing one or more after an evaluation of the individual patient's symptoms.

What To Expect

After a close evaluation of your symptoms, your physician may refer you to a sleep disorder center where a sleep specialist will further evaluate your symptoms or he may prescribe a home test. Tests conducted to diagnose more severe cases of sleep apnea typically require an overnight stay at the sleep disorder center where your breathing and other bodily functions receive constant monitoring and recording.

What Are The Different Apnea Sleep Tests?

* Portable cardiorespiratory testing - this is a rather simplified test that can be conducted in the privacy of your home. The test will measure airflow and breathing patterns during the course of sleep.

* Oximetry - this apnea test will monitor and record measurements of both airflow and breathing patterns found in blood oxygen levels tracked via a small sleeve placed on the finger. If a patient has apnea, test results will show a rise and fall in their blood oxygen levels, a fall during sleep and a rise upon waking.

* Nocturnal polysomnography - with this apnea test, a myriad of bodily functions receive close monitoring and recording while you sleep. Levels of oxygen in the blood stream and breathing patterns along with brain, lung, and heart activity are among those tested.

Other Specializing Physicians

In addition to an apnea sleep test, your doctor may refer you to one of several other specializing physicians. An otolaryngologist, a specialist in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine will check for potential blockages in the nose and throat. A cardiologist will evaluate the heart to make sure it is functioning properly and a neurologist will look for underlying neurological conditions that may contribute to apnea such as a stoke, polio, or a degenerative brain disorder.

Douglas Hanna is a free lance writer who has written on a wide range of topics, including sleep apnea cures, sleep apnea treatment and sleep apnea and the power of tea.

Read Discovering Sleep Apnea far more

Sleep apnea is often a disorder characterized with a reduction or temporary halt of breathing (airflow) while asleep. It is frequent among adults nonetheless rare among youngsters. Although a verdict of sleep apnea often shall be suspected on the basis of your person's medical background, there are several tests you can use to confirm that diagnosis. The treatment regarding sleep apnea can be either surgical as well as nonsurgical.

An apnea is a period of time during which inhaling and exhaling stops or is actually markedly reduced. Within simplified terms, an apnea occurs whenever a person stops inhaling and exhaling for 10 seconds or over. If you prevent breathing completely or take less than 25% of an ordinary breath for a period that lasts 10 seconds or over, this is a good apnea. This distinction includes complete stoppage regarding airflow. Other definitions of apnea that may be used include at the least a 4% shift in oxygen in the blood, a direct result in the reduction in that transfer of oxygen in to the blood when inhaling and exhaling stops.

Apneas usually occur while asleep. When an apnea occurs, sleep usually is disrupted thanks to inadequate breathing in addition to poor oxygen levels in the blood. Sometimes this implies the person wakes up completely, but sometimes this can mean the person arrives of a deep degree of sleep and into a more shallow degree of sleep. Apneas tend to be measured during sleep (preferably in every stages of sleep) spanning a two-hour period. An estimate in the severity of apnea is actually calculated by dividing the quantity of apneas by the quantity of hours of rest, giving an apnea catalog (AI in apneas for every hour); the higher the AI, greater severe the apnea.

A hypopnea is often a decrease in breathing that is certainly not as severe for apnea. Hypopneas usually occur while asleep and can be defined as 69% to 26% of your normal breath. For instance apneas, hypopneas also can be defined as any 4% or higher drop in oxygen in the blood. Like apneas, hypopneas usually disrupt the exact level of sleep. A hypopnea index (HI) might be calculated by dividing the quantity of hypopneas by the quantity of hours of rest.

The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) is definitely index of seriousness that combines apneas in addition to hypopneas. Combining them offers an overall seriousness of sleep apnea which includes sleep disruptions in addition to desaturations (a low degree of oxygen in that blood). The apnea-hypopnea catalog, like the apnea catalog and hypopnea catalog, is calculated by dividing the quantity of apneas and hypopneas by the quantity of hours of rest.

Another index which to measure sleep apnea will be the respiratory disturbance catalog (RDI). The respiratory disturbance index is similar to the apnea-hypopnea catalog; however, it also comprises of respiratory events that usually do not technically meet that definitions of apneas as well as hypopneas, but complete disrupt sleep.

Sleep apnea is formally defined as an apnea-hypopnea index of at the least 15 episodes/hour in the patient if they don't have medical traumas that are believed to be caused by that sleep apnea. The equivalent of around one episode regarding apnea or hypopnea every 4 minutes. Higher blood pressure, cerebrovascular accident, daytime sleepiness, congestive heart inability (low flow of blood into the heart), insomnia, or mood disorders might be caused or worsened through sleep apnea. In a good these conditions, sleep apnea is defined as an apnea-hypopnea index of at the least five episodes/hour. This definition is actually stricter because these individuals can be already experiencing that negative medical influences of sleep apnea, and it might be important to begin treatment in the lower apnea-hypopnea catalog.

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Discovering Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Understand Sleep Apnea - Symptoms and Effects much more

If you have found yourself like many other people, unsatisfied with the standard medical sleep apnea treatments which treat the symptoms rather than curing the condition, you will have probably been searching for alternative cures for the condition. Whilst everyone knows that those with the condition tend to snore quite heavily, just snoring alone is not enough for a sleep apnea diagnosis. So how do you work out if you or somebody you love has this condition?

Only a medical doctor can do the actual diagnosis, but there are some common symptoms which you can use to determine whether you need to see a doctor for an official diagnosis.

One very common symptom of sleep apnea is a pause in breathing during the night. When this happens it is as if the person that is snoring along quite happily, then holds their breath for a moment, and then carries on snoring again. A loved one may be led to wrongly assume during these moments that they have stopped snoring and that now they can finally fall asleep, but no, this is actually just a moment where the sleep apnea sufferer has actually stopped breathing momentarily. This understandably can be very worrying for the person listening.

Another big symptom is a choking sound in the midst of the snoring. It sounds much like they are gasping for air, and in fact the body is desperately fighting to breathe normally. The choking noises are often accompanied by moments of pause where breathing has stopped. Another common indication of sleep apnea is profuse sweating during the night.

Once you understand what the loud noises that they are making actually mean, it can be quite frightening to sleep next to someone who has sleep apnea. The question of when the choking sound will lead to death or when the pause in snoring will lead to them never breathing again is always in the back of your mind.

While this may lead to the loss of sleep for others sleeping in the same bed as someone with sleep apnea, there are some very real side effects of the condition for the sufferer as well. Most will wake up feeling as if they have not rested at all, despite being asleep for adequate amounts of time for normal restoration. This is because the body is not able to rest and recharge properly when it is continually fighting for each next breath and trying to deal with snoring all night long.

Many sufferers will routinely deal with headaches in the morning and general lack of concentration. It is possible that they have a lot of problems getting through the day mentally and as a result can become irritable. Medically, they may be dealing with high blood pressure and regular heartburn.

It is also common that people with this condition are often morbidly obese and this is one of the main causes of sleep apnea. For these sufferers, snoring and other sleep disorders are a side effect of their weight and they are likely suffering other physical consequences as well. For many people weight loss could be a good cure for sleep apnea, but unfortunately is isn't a cure-all for everyone.

More and more people are now searching for alternative cures for sleep apnea, and they are finding that some alternative treatments are actually delivering more satisfactory results than just being put on a CPAP machine or taking medication to stay awake during the day. If you notice any of these sleep apnea symptoms in someone you love or are suffering with the side effects of the condition yourself, seeking out better sleep apnea treatments should be considered.

Sleep Apnea

As one can see, there are many causes of Sleep Apnea. How many times have you lain awake until the early hours trying to get some much needed sleep, only to be kept awake by your partner's snoring? This happens all too often and is not a laughing matter. You deserve a good night's sleep.

Sleep Apnea - Symptoms and Effects

Sleep Apnea

Examine Sleep Apnea Cure - Environmental Factors additional

When you are looking for a sleep apnea cure consider the environmental factors of the room you sleep in.

This article will expose some environmental factors that may be keeping you from a good nights sleep.

Your room could be harmful to your sleep in other ways. If you have an allergy, an open window could be bringing pollen into your room and causing breathing problems. Or an old pillow might be musty, causing you to sneeze, cough, or have itchy eyes. You might need to clean under the bed and wash drapes, blankets, and bedspread to get rid of accumulated irritants.

A sleep apnea cure may be room temperature. Make sure the room isn't too hot or too cold. Despite old beliefs, there is no evidence that an excessively cold room makes you sleep any better. In fact, cold feet can keep you awake-wear socks if that's a problem. An ideal temperature for humans has not yet been determined. However, we do know that temperatures below 55 or above 75 degrees Fahrenheit seem to disturb sleep; people awaken more and move more in their sleep, and both REM and delta sleep are decreased.

It's interesting that when they are in REM (dreaming) sleep, humans are poikilothermic; that is, they lose their usual ability to shiver or sweat to regulate their temperature. REM sleep stages occur more abundantly later at night, making it likely that extremes in temperatures are more bothersome at that time.

Also, make sure the humidity is right for you. If the air is too dry, your skin may feel dry, your throat scratchy, and your nose stuffed up. On the other hand, if it is too humid, you may feel sweaty and warm.

Some people don't sleep well because they feel unsafe. If you live alone and are worried about safety, you might want to have safer door locks installed, as well as a smoke detector and an electric burglar-alarm system. You also might consider having an extension phone at your bedside table for emergencies.

This article examined environmental factors as a sleep apnea cure. This should be one factor in an overall sleeplessness cure program.

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Sleep Apnea Cure - Environmental Factors

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Examine Sleep Apnea - The Cure much more

When you go to bed at night, chances are you just fall asleep and do not really remember anything until you wake up the next morning. However, if you still feel tired despite having gotten the obligatory eight hours of sleep, and are having trouble remembering things, then you might be suffering from something that you are not even aware of.

Specifically, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. This is a problem that millions of people suffer from, but some are not even aware of. Sleep apnea results in a person not breathing for a minute at a time while asleep. Sometimes, the person stops breathing for even longer.

Sleep apnea is definitely something that, if left untreated, could be fatal, especially considering that the average sufferer does not even know he or she has it. The only way to tell for sure is to have a doctor perform a sleep study. Once the patient has been formally diagnosed with sleep apnea, it is then time to discuss the various treatment options.

The first alternative does not actually involve any medication at all; it simply involves following a weight loss plan. Many people who suffer from this sleep disorder do so because they are extremely overweight. So, if this is the prescribed treatment method, it is important to eat healthy food and to start exercising. Various medications might be prescribed as well, but another thing to keep in mind is that each treatment option is different, because each person is different!

Sleep Apnea

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Sleep Apnea - The Cure

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What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder wherein the patient have lapse of breathing while he/she is fast asleep. If you are alone in the room, then you might not notice it since you are fast asleep. But if you have a companion, this is a very noticeable behavior since t takes you a couple of seconds to breathe again after the last breathing you made.

Well, this behavior should not be taken for granted. Unmindful of the causes of sleep apnea disorder will lead you to a more serious respiratory disorder. We will be discussing the common causes of sleep apnea disorder to ascertain the things that we have to consider so as not to acquire the disorder or to manage it efficiently.

Stress is one cause of sleep apnea. There are different types and forms of stress. There is a work-related stress, family related stress, or even simple types of stresses that might lead you to have a lot of things in mind. There are different ways on how the body gets stressed. Even if we are dealing with our daily activities, if the body functions are not at the hype, the body encounters physical stress.

Since it is a breathing disorder while sleeping, normally the most common form of stress is the physical stress. If you are too tired after a day of work, if you work your body hard for that day, that normally causes sleep disorder. The normal process will be interrupted and normally, there will be abnormal processes with the heart and the respiratory processes.

Lack of exercise is another cause. If you do not exercise regularly, and you have a high risk to acquire sleep apnea, you might end up having the disorder. If the body is not conditioned to do a handful of physical and mental activities to cope with your everyday life, you might end up having the body to malfunction leading to sleeping disorders. It is just a domino effect.

If you condition yourself by doing a regular exercise, there will be a continuous circulation of blood and regulation of breathing in the body that prevents sleep apnea disorder. That is the reason why doctors advice to do certain simple exercises in a regular basis since they know that exercise have lots of advantages. It will not only prevent sleep apnea, but other cardio-vascular diseases as well.

Bearing in mind all the causes of sleep apnea disorder will lead us to properly manage the disease or at the same time prevent it from happening by taking moderation into everything and bearing in mind that we need to have self-discipline to avoid any disorder that might lead to more serious complications.

We have to bear in mind that we have to keep our health unscathed to carry out daily activities without complications. These might be petty things, but it will create a huge impact if we cannot manage it. In the long run, unmindful of these common causes of sleep disorder might lead you to acquiring more serious ailments that might take your life out.

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Examine Sleep Apnea Surgery and Information a lot more

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder. People who have sleep apnea have a smaller airway than those who do not have this disorder. This is why it is harder for a person to breathe during their sleeping cycle. Typically the narrowing is in the upper airway and occurs during the sleep cycle. Physicians may recommend that a patient who has sleep apnea undergo sleep apnea surgery.

About Sleep Apnea Surgery

The airway tends to be "obstructed" during the sleep cycle. This can be corrected through surgery is different ways. Depending upon what the condition of the patient's sleep apnea is will help to determine the type of surgery that the patient will have. The complexity of the condition will vary greatly between patients. Anatomical differences between patients are the reason why what will work for one patient may not work for another. Surgical procedures have been modified to account for the differences between adult anatomy and child anatomy as well.

To begin with, surgeons can make the airway larger by removing soft tissue. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is the most common form of sleep apnea surgery that has been performed during the past 25 years. Typically, the removal of soft palate and pharyngeal tissue, uvula and tonsillar tissues are at the top of the list. This will help to widen the airway and enable the patient to breathe better during nocturnal hours.

Another common type of sleep disease surgery includes nasal surgery where septoplasty and turbinate reduction is preformed. Other types of sleep apnea surgery do exist and are usually some form of the Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty that was mentioned previously. For example, Uvulopalatal Flap surgery and Pharyngoplasty is single forms of this surgery where the surgeon only concentrates on one particular area.

Another form of sleep disease surgery instead of soft tissue removal is to expand the bone structure, especially that of the jaw. Maxillomandibular Expansion surgery is where surgeons work to expand the maxilla and the mandibular bones (upper and lower jaw bones). Because of the orthodontic therapy that is needed with this surgery, patients may refuse to have this done. The healing process for this surgery is considerably longer than soft tissue removal surgery.

A complete evaluation of the head, neck and throat region is required to accurately assess the sleep apnea condition that the patient may have. It is highly recommended that the physician order an airway examination by fiber optic scope to visually examine the inside of the airway. This will enable the physician to view the problem, measure the airway opening and accurately judge the type of surgery that would be beneficial to that particular patient.

The outcome of the surgery depends greatly upon the patient, the scope of the condition and the type of surgical procedure that was preformed. All of these aspects must work in relation to each other to enable the patient to receive the maximum benefits from sleep disease surgery. Your physician will be able to guide you and recommend the proper surgery for you and they will be able to answer any questions that you may have about this surgical procedure.

Sleep Apnea

Go to Sleep Apnea Zone to get your free eBook on Sleep Apnea at Sleep Apnea []. Sleep Apnea Zone also has information on Sleep Apnea Surgery [] along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Sleep Apnea Community site today for free eBooks and other free information that can help you today.

Sleep Apnea Surgery and Information

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Sleep Apnea - 7 Tips To Help You Sleep

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Do you keep your partner awake at night with your snoring? Are you often tired during the day? Do you sometimes find yourself suffering from morning headaches, being a bit forgetful, unable to concentrate and irritable? If so, you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a very common and often undiagnosed sleep disorder that, according to some estimates, affects five percent of the adult population. Characterized in particular by loud snoring and daytime tiredness, sleep apnea occurs because you stop breathing during sleep. This can occur literally hundreds of times each night and your breathing can be interrupted by up to a minute or more on each occasion.

Your breathing is interrupted either by a physical blockage to your airway (for example, loose skin in the back of your throat, or perhaps your tongue, blocking your airway), in which case you are said to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, or by a failure on the part of your brain to send out the necessary signals to the muscles of your body that control breathing, in which event your condition is described as central sleep apnea.

It is also possible to suffer from mixed sleep apnea which, as the name suggests, is a combination of both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

Both men and women suffer from sleep apnea, although the condition is more commonly seen in men and, in particular, men who are over 40 and overweight.

The main consequence of sleep apnea is that, because your sleep is very light, fragmented and of poor quality, you also suffer from insomnia, or excessive daytime tiredness. Your partner would probably disagree and say that the main problem is your snoring, but that's a different story!

There are a range of treatments available for sleep apnea (including surgery in particularly severe cases), but in the vast majority of cases your quality of life can be improved considerably with a few simple lifestyle changes and natural remedies. Indeed, in mild cases, this is often all that is needed.

Here are 7 simple tips to offset the effects of sleep apnea related insomnia and restore some of that lost daytime 'get up and go'.

Tip 1. Look at your weight.

If you're overweight then this is undoubtedly contributing to your problem. Losing just a few pounds can make a significant difference.

Tip 2. Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol relaxes your throat muscles and this makes it much easier for these muscles to 'collapse' during sleep and block your airway. There's no need to cut out alcohol altogether, but you should restrict your intake and certainly cut out alcohol in the three or four hours before going to bed.

Tip 3. Avoid sleeping pills.

Sleeping pills can also relax your throat muscles and cause similar problems to those seen for alcohol. Sleeping pills, however, can also cause a variety of other problems as well and there use is not recommended in cases of sleep apnea.

Tip 4. Avoid tobacco.

Smoking inflames your nasal tissues causing them to swell and restrict your nasal airway. Ideally, you should give up smoking altogether but, if this is too high a fence to jump, then try to cut down and, in particular, reduce your smoking during the evening.

Tip 5. Sleep on your side.

If you're typical of the majority of sleep apnea sufferers you sleep on your back, making it far easier for the tissues in your throat, and for your tongue, to block your airway. Even if you go to sleep on your side, you probably roll onto your back shortly after falling asleep.

Try propping yourself up with pillows or cushions so that you sleep on your side. If this doesn't work then sew something like a tennis ball into the back of your pajamas. You'll find that rolling onto the tennis ball will be quite uncomfortable and it will soon condition you to sleep on your side.

If you can't sew, find a shirt or tee-shirt with a breast pocket. Pop the tennis ball into the pocket and then wear the shirt back-to-front.

Tip 6. Improve your nasal breathing.

If you suffer from a 'stuffed up' nose, then try using a nasal spray to help open up your nasal airway. Nasal sprays should not however be used regularly or for prolonged periods, as they can cause damage to the tissues of the nose.

As an alternative, pop along to the drug store or chemist and buy yourself one of many very cheap devices that are available today to help keep your nose open while you sleep. Your pharmacist or chemist will be happy to show you what's on offer and to help you to make the right choice.

Tip 7. Avoid sleep deprivation.

Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and that you're following a regular bedtime routine. Also make sure that your bedroom conditions are set for sleep (the right temperature, quiet, dark etc.) and that you've dealt with the worries of the day and are relaxed and ready for sleep each night.

One of the major consequences of both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea is insomnia, and curing the insomnia associated with sleep apnea is a major step in the management of the condition.

These are just a few simple tips but you'll be amazed at just what a difference they can make.

Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including: "How To Get A Good Night's Sleep - Simple Solutions To Help You Rest" Pick up your free copy today and discover the key to curing sleep-apnea

Examine Causes For Sleep Apnea - But Are There Any Treatments? extra

Sleep Apnea

What are the causes for sleep apnea?

There is an association with snoring and sleep apnea because it's the same muscles involved. Snoring is not as serious as apnea except when the snorer's partner gets fed up enough to bang the snorer over the head with the alarm clock as neither the snorer nor the apnea sufferer will likely be aware of their condition.

It's the muscles in the upper airway passage that aren't as strong as they should be which cause the airway to narrow and close temporarily. This causes a halt in the breathing for 10 to 25 minutes which results in a lowering of oxygen to the brain.

The brain then sends out an emergency signal which arouses the person forcing a gasp of air to balance the oxygen debt. The sufferer doesn't necessarily wake up fully and these events can happen 300 or more times in a session.

Although the apnea sufferer may not be aware of the night-time events they may recognise symptoms such as waking up with a dry throat and mouth in the morning, headaches and sweatiness.

The muscles in the pharynx which lack muscle tone and are at the heart of the problem may be like that for one of two reasons.

It may be that the physiological make-up predisposes the individual for the condition or it may be a problem that has developed due to the sufferer's lifestyle or it could be a combination of both.

So physiologically anyone with a mild abnormality to the facial structure which affects the passage of air is susceptible to the condition. This could mean a backset jaw or what is commonly known as an overbite, the shape of the hard palate, large tonsils, adenoids and tongue, any inherent nasal blockage as well as the general size and shape of the middle of the face and neck.

From a lifestyle point of view obesity is the most important factor associated with apnea sufferers followed by alcohol consumption and smoking. The three big no-no's are culpable once more - not surprising really.

People with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more are considered obese and more at risk from sleep apnea and if the weight distribution is centred around the waist as opposed to the hips the risk is greater.

Alcohol can reduce the activity of the upper airway and relax the muscles responsible for stopping the airway from closing. In extreme cases excessive and continuous drinking could suppress the breathing reflex. This respiratory drive can also be similarly affected by so called sleeping pills, tranquilizers and short-acting beta blockers.

What are the treatments for sleep apnea?

For mild to severe cases of apnea it's widely accepted that the use of a continuous positive airway pressure device is the best treatment for the serious consequences of sleep apnea.

As the name suggests it's a machine that generates timed air pressure via a mask keeping the upper airway open during sleep.

There are a variety of devices and masks any one of which can be fitted for your particular needs.

It doesn't cure the sufferer but allows the individual to get the enormous benefits allowed to those that sleep properly. This means that he or she (more likely to be a he) won't be so at risk for conditions like high blood pressure (CPAP), heart attacks, strokes and diminished memory and intellect.

In mild cases lifestyle changes can be made to temper or even cure the problem so weight loss and a healthy diet with regular exercise are recommended. Cutting down on alcohol especially before bed and quitting smoking is always a good idea. Watch the type of drugs which are used especially sedatives.

If possible sleeping on the side rather than the back may help.

If the problem is with the structure of the jaw it's possible to get a device fitted that looks and feels like a sports mouth guard called a mandibular advancement device (MAD). This allows the lower jaw to be drawn and kept in a more forward position. It's used to treated apnea, snoring and bruxism (teeth grinding).

Are there any other options?

There are also some more unusual techniques that are worth trying especially as they have been proven to be affective in certain cases and are not invasive as is the case with CPAP machines.

Breathing techniques have been studied and developed that can instill in someone a breathing pattern that comes from the belly instead of short breathes made from the chest. This process helps tone the muscles of the airway.

What about singing? It seems logical that anything that strengthens the relevant muscles are going to be affective in treating apnea and although it's been shown that there is a positive link between singers, singing and the absence of apnea opinions are still divided.

Sleep apnea can be very serious and in rare cases fatal. It is more common than asthma or diabetes and it is increasingly so in the western world which may be a link to lifestyles.

The most effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is the CPAP device which a lot of people find uncomfortable. Any evidence, even anecdotal of solutions to this increasing problem would be welcomed by a huge number of sufferers.

Lelliot is a long term sufferer of insomnia and movement related sleep disorders and has been researching into the causes for sleep apnea and all things sleep related for 15 years. Get more insights into sleeping plus a free email mini-course at

Causes For Sleep Apnea - But Are There Any Treatments?

Sleep Apnea

Understand Symptoms, Treatments, Remedy - Sleep Apnea, Allergic Rhinitis and Sinus extra

Symptoms, Treatments, Remedy - Sleep Apnea, Allergic Rhinitis and Sinus

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Postnasal drip and nasal congestion are common symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis. Both the Allergic Rhinitis and Sinus symptoms are being magnified when lay down to sleep result in more serious postnasal drip, nasal congestion and running nose. It is widely believed that Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis cause the number of Sleep Apnea.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping disorder that people will temporarily stop breathing during their sleep. The stop ("without breath") can last of 10 seconds, a minute or even longer as the airway is being obstructed. It can happen from 20 - 30 within an hour to a few hundred times during a single might sleep.
Sleep Apnea can be caused by either a complete blockage of the airway (called Obstructive Apnea) or by a partial blockage (called Obstructive hypopnea, where hypopnea is a shallow breathing).

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

' Excessive daytime sleepiness (such as fallen asleep in inappropriate times).

MILD Excessive daytime sleepiness - OSA may fall asleep in a non-stimulating environment (such as reading book in a quiet room)

SEVERE Excessive daytime sleepiness or may fall asleep in a stimulating environment (such as in meeting during work)

' Falling asleep during work time or watching TV

' Falling asleep during driving (called drowsy driver syndrome) because of sleep deprivation

' Frequent cessation of breathing during sleep time

' Non restorative sleep

' Choking or gasping during sleep time in order get oxygen

' Awakening during the night to restart breathing

' Loud snoring

' Morning wake up feeling unfreshed and exhausted even after asleep all night

' Behavior and personality changes

' Trouble in concentration

' Poor memory and poor judgment

' Loss of energy

' Erectile dysfunction (impotence)

' Depression. Studies show about 1 in 5 people with depression has Sleep Apnea, and people with Sleep Apnea are of 5 times higher to have depression.

' Weigh gain

' Hyperactive for children

What is Allergic Rhinitis?

Allergic Rhinitis also known as Hay Fever occurs when our body immune system overreacts to some substances we breath in from the air. Our body immune system tried to protect itself by attacking the substance we breathe in.

Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis?

' Repeat Sneezing especially in morning

' Contiinuous Running Nose and Postnasal Drip.

' Itchy eyes, nose, throat

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal passages. Sinus infection occurs when the foreign bacteria sticks onto the lining cells.

Symptoms of Sinusitis?

' Headaches in the temper

' Sometimes fever

' Pain and Pressure in the eyes and nose

Remedy to help Allergies Rhinitis and Sinusitis which and reduce Sleep Apnea

Some changes in environment may be helpful to people with Allergies Rhinitis and Sinusitis who end up to have Sleep Apnea.

' Humidifier - By using humdifier and adjust the humidity to our comfort level, it can help moistureing the sinus, nose and nasal passages for easy breathing.

' Hepa Air Purifier - By purfying the air, it cleanse up the dust, animal dander or molds substance in air and thus reduce nsal congestion.

' Dust Mite Covers - By using the dust mite covers on your mattress, pillow and blanket, it can help reduce the allergy reaction against dust, animal dander or molds substance.

Since Allergic Rhinitis and Sinusitis cause the number of Sleep Apnea, with the above changes in environment to improve breathing during sleep, hopefully they can reduce your Sleep Apnea.

More information on Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Snoring, Sleep Disorders, please visit

Study Sleep Apnea - It's Not Just Loud Snoring more

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is an illness that many people fail to recognize until after the symptoms have caused grief to the family and employers. In fact, the spouse is often the first one to realize that there may be a physical reason for the odd behaviors and symptoms of someone suffering from sleep apnea (OSA).

Someone suffering from this sleep disorder will often snore very loudly. The snoring may be so loud, in fact, that his or her partner gets little sleep. Someone with OSA will also appear to stop breathing for a second or two during sleep, which looks like they're temporarily holding their breath. The subsequent lack of oxygen causes them to be startled awake, but often they are completely unaware that they wake up many times during the night. Since the individual usually drops back to sleep almost immediately, and then begins snoring again, partners often believes they are the only ones missing sleep. This can be a severe strain on the relationship, especially if the person with OSA refuses to seek treatment.

It may look as though an individual with this sleep disorder is getting lots of sleep, so it seems strange to others if the individual has difficulty staying awake during the daytime, even dropping off to sleep at inappropriate times. They may have difficulty concentrating, and appear depressed. Because they really aren't getting quality sleep during the night, they may also have a reduced interest in sex, and other personality changes can also occur. Some of these symptoms are similar to common mental health disorders, and others are seen by friends and coworkers as symptoms of laziness or sloth. This judgment can add to the individual's stress, and can make relationship problems even worse.

If someone you know who suffers from these symptoms, it would be wise to encourage them to see their doctor. The snoring and obstructed breathing during sleep usually have a physical cause, which may vary from one individual to another. There may be an obstruction in the upper airway due to excess tissue caused by obesity, or the tonsils or tongue may be too large. In addition, the airway muscles are usually relaxed or collapse during sleep.

Some of the causes of sleep apnea are also associated with other life-threatening conditions. A proper diagnosis is important, because if the individual goes without treatment he or she will have an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeat, and other forms of heart disease. In addition to the physical risks of this sleep disorder, relationships with families, friends and employers may continue to suffer. Productivity at work will go down because the individual is so abnormally sleepy, and it can become dangerous to work with heavy equipment or drive an automobile.

There are a number of ways that obstructive sleep apnea can be treated, including the use of a C-PAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. This machine has a nose mask that is worn during sleep. The C-PAP machine keeps air blowing into the nose, which will keep the airway open. If obesity is a causitive factor in sleep apnea, as it often is, the patient will be advised to slim down. Weight loss is almost always accompanied by a complete cessation of sleep apnea symptoms, and for this reason some obese OSA patients are opting for gastric bypass surgery.

Because sleep apnea may be caused by a variety of factors, and because the symptoms could also be caused by sleep disorders other then OSA, a diagnosis by a qualified professional is needed before treatment can begin. Your doctor will usually prescribe a sleep test, which is done by a specialized clinic. This test is usually covered by medical insurance, but it is always a good idea to call your insurance carrier to see if they require you to visit a clinic that is contracted with them. The results of the sleep test will tell your doctor if any form or respiratory equipment is required, or if surgery is indicated. Experimental treatments, such as the Radio Frequency Procedure developed by Stanford University, will probably not be covered by your insurance.

Do you snore, or do you sleep with someone who snores so loudly that you can't get any sleep? It's time to see a doctor to find out if sleep apnea is to blame.

Sleep Apnea

Jonni writes about the symptoms and treatment options for sleep apnea on her blog at

Sleep Apnea - It's Not Just Loud Snoring

Sleep Apnea

Examine Bed Wedge Pillow - 5 Primary Health Conditions Requiring Elevated Sleep additional

Bed Wedge Pillow - 5 Primary Health Conditions Requiring Elevated Sleep

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Did you know that manufacturers of the bed wedge pillow focus on five major health issues when designing and manufacturing a pillow wedge? The reason this is important is they have researched, received customer feedback, and are focused on these specific health issues. A bed pillow wedge provides relief and possibly a cure for many conditions. These are the primary health conditions requiring elevated sleep:

Back Pain: The sleep wedge for back pain must support the lower lumbar and take stress off of the back muscles and spine. There is a memory foam pillow wedge with a groove for the spine for back sleepers. Side or back sleepers will benefit from a contoured pillow that cradles the neck and helps keep the spine straight. There are also lumbar support pillows for your desk chair.
Sleep Apnea: Relaxed muscles in the throat cause limited air flow and suffers of sleep apnea to stop breathing during sleep. Through loud snorts and snoring they are able to breathe. Severe cases use a CPAP and get forced air from the device to promote oxygenation during sleep. The CPAP pillow cradles the neck and face with a cutout for the breathing device.
Acid Reflux: This conditioned is caused by the contents of the stomach flowing back up the esophagus when the stomach is higher than the esophagus during bed rest. The condition is very serious as it creates scars in the esophagus and has been linked to Barrett's esophagus, a form of cancer. The most popular pillow wedge acid reflux is the adjustable bed wedge pillow which goes between the mattress and box springs.
Leg or Knee Pain: Lower leg pain may be caused by poor blood circulation and may indicate varicose veins. If you use a leg pillow wedge, you can increase the blood circulation by forcing the blood back to the heart inside of pooling in the leg veins. Knee pain is tricky and you should have a medical doctor decide on the proper care. People who have had knee replacement surgery should not use a knee pillow wedge without the doctor's permission.
Snoring: The snorer usually stops snoring when turned on his or her side. However, it is difficult to stay on your side without back and neck support. The contoured memory foam pillow wedge elevates and cradles the head and often minimizes snoring. An adjustable bed wedge pillow at a smaller incline supports side sleepers and tilts the head sometimes enough to stop snoring.

The bed wedge pillow is also recommended for people with asthma, heart conditions, shoulder pain, neck pain, and hip pain. The purpose of this article is to give you talking points when discussing your specific health condition with your doctor. If you are interested in a bed wedge pillow, you may be interested in the benefits of an adjustable Pillow Wedge. Stationary wedges cannot be customized and usually interfere with bed linens. If you suffer with acid reflux, visit Pillow Wedge to read about three preventable causes of acid reflux and the many benefits of a bed wedge pillow.

Read Alternative Therapies for Sleep Apnea extra

Alternative therapies for sleep apnea focus to promote natural ways, to provide relief from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a recurrent condition where during sleep, the breathing stops for a while, and regains normal breathing only after a few seconds. Sleep apnea is considered to be one of the serious sleep disorders since it results in two impacts on the functional system such as oxygen deprivation and sleep deprivation. Sleep apnea is a disease, which requires effective treatment strategy to cure it completely. Now, many people recommend alternative treatment as an effective treatment strategy for sleep apnea. Alternative treatments adopt behavioral interventions, change in lifestyle and use of herbal remedies as the potential treatment for sleep apnea. It tries to reduce the apnea attacks as well as to impart a good quality of sleep.

Alternative therapies are appreciated for the sleep apnea treatment due to its various advantages over the conventional treatment. Primarily, alternative treatments are well accepted because it avoids the risk of side effects as it includes natural methods. Moreover lifestyle factors are blamed to be the major reason for most of the factors, and a change in the bad habits will not only help you to recover from sleep apnea but also from other lifestyle diseases. As alternative therapies practice a holistic approach for the treatment, the mind will get strengthened as well as the body and will attribute a total well being. Additionally, alternative therapies are also cheaper, in comparison with the costly medical devices and surgical interventions.

Alternative therapies for sleep apnea are more effective for obstructive sleep apnea. In this case, the obstructions in the air passage such as blockage in the nasal passage, relaxed throat muscles, thick uvula, tonsils, and adenoids are considered to be the reason for the breathing cessation while sleeping. The maintenance of a better sleeping position such as lying on your side is proven to be a very effective solution for it. To retain the position for the whole night, thick sleeping pillows can help. Tennis ball in the coat pocket is also an effective remedy to lower sleep apnea attacks.

Exercise is another important aspect of alternative therapy since over weight is a major factor for muscular obstructions. Exercise will also help to tone the body muscles. Diet is also important in the therapy, in which sleep promoters are included. Avoidance of the 'sleep stealer' habits such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine is also a part of the alterative therapies.

The herbal remedies such as Lachesis, Passion flower, Valerian and Hops include certain neurostimulators that can induce sleep and can help to cure central sleep apnea. Breathing techniques and certain relaxation techniques have also proven to be effective in controlling sleep apnea. Apart from remedies, a regular sleep pattern is also essential to maintain good quality.

However, alternative therapies are effective in treatment of mild sleep apnea, as it can result in only a gradual improvement. Severe sleep apnea attacks essentially require immediate medical assistance.

Sleep Apnea

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs [] - Visit Hapa Health for more articles

Alternative Therapies for Sleep Apnea

Read through Sleep Apnea Machine: For a Good Night's Sleep a lot more

Sleep Apnea

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend a sleep apnea machine to help treat your condition. Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder where the sufferer is awakened as many as 50 times per hour because they cannot breathe. The most common form is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and a sleep apnea machine is the most common form of treatment. If you are looking for sleep apnea cures, there are many proven and successful treatment options. Why not pay a visit to your health care provider and see what solutions there are to solve your sleep problem.

How To Determine If You Need a Sleep Apnea Machine: First, it is important that your condition is diagnosed by a professional so that proper treatment can be prescribed. Diagnosis is performed by means of a sleep study or Polysomnography test. Polysomnography tests are usually conducted overnight in a sleep lab. The patient is connected to a series of electrodes which measure the biophysiological changes that occur while sleeping. Measuring brain, heart, eye and muscle activity, the goal is to determine if a patient stops breathing while asleep, when it occurs, how frequently it occurs and for how long. If OBS is diagnosed, there are several treatment options. There are two types of machines to choose from. One is the CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine and the other one is the BIPAP or the Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure machine.

Which Sleep Apnea Machine is Best: Let's begin with an explanation of what OBS is. When a person has OBS, the airway tissue in the mouth and throat can collapse, causing a temporary blockage and preventing the patient from breathing normally. As the person struggles to breathe, they are awakened and sleep is disrupted. The CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine increases air pressure in the person's airways by pumping air through a small mask that fits over the nose and mouth. So, as a person breathes in, the airways in the nose, throat and mouth are kept open and prevented from closing by the positive air pressure. The CPAP machine delivers a constant or continuous flow of air so as the patient exhales; they must do so against the pressure supplied by the CPAP Machine. For some, especially those with neuromuscular conditions, this can be difficult.

This is why the BIPAP or Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure Machine was developed. The difference here is that the BIPAP machine uses two levels of pressure while the CPAP only uses one. As the person exhales, the BIPAP machine reduces the air pressure making it easier to exhale. The two pressures that are being used in a Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure machine make it easier to get more air out of the lungs and have also been shown to be effective for treating some patients with congestive heart failure and some lung conditions.

Both machines perform the same function but do it differently. Whereas the CPAP machine works continuously as the person inhales and exhales; the BIPAP machine provides breathing assistance to the person. The BIPAP is commonly used in patients who have heart failure and other diseases that affect the heart and the lungs as well as for those patients who have nervous system and muscular problems. Your doctor or medical provider can help you decide which machine is appropriate for you.

For those who are lucky enough to not require either a CPAP or BIPAP machine such as those with mild sleep apnea, other less invasive treatment options exist. There are several types of dental devices that can be effective for treating this sleep disorder when worn during sleep. These can also be used as stop snoring devices. The mandibular advancement device is fitted on the lower jaw and it pulls the jaw forward to allow air to pass freely. There is also a tongue retaining device that is used for people who snore. It is fitted to the tongue and it sucks the tongue forward, clearing the throat and allowing the passage of air.

Remember that CPAP and BIPAP machines are not a substitute for breathing independently. They are not ventilators. What the machines do is make sure that you take the proper number of breaths every minute according to what your doctor determines is right for you. After careful diagnosis of your type of sleep apnea, he may recommend a sleep apnea machine that is just right for you.

Is sleep apnea or snoring ruining your life or your relationship?

Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people. You don't have to feel guilty any longer but you do need to take action.

Many successful treatment options for sleep apnea cures are available but you need to do your research and take action. Check out this free report: []

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Learn more about your Sleep Apnea Treatment Options by clicking the link above.

Sleep Apnea Machine: For a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep Apnea