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Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder defined as a pause of breathing while asleep. There are three types of sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common. This type of sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction which stops the flow of air to the nose and mouth. The second type is Central Sleep disorder (CSA). This type of sleep issue involves the region of the brain and nerves that regulate breathing do not function properly which causes breathing to be impaired. The third and final type of sleeping issue is Mixed Sleep issue and is rare. The type of sleep issue is a combination of Obstructive Sleeping issue and Central Sleep problem Each pause in the breathing while sleeping is called an apnea.

o It is believed the first documented reference to sleep issue was described in writing entitled "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club" by Charles Dickens in 1837.

o In 1965 a French doctor, Dr. Gastault and his colleges studied individuals with the sleep issue which is now known as sleep issue. In 1981, a group of Australian doctors documented treatment of sleep issue patients with what continuous positive airway pressure during sleep (CPAP), one type of successful treatment that is used by sleep issue patients today.

o In 1990 the non-profit organization, The American Sleeping disease Association (ASAA), was founded. The purpose of this organization is to increase the understanding of sleeping disease. The ASAA works with other non-profit organizations and societies of health care professionals to assist in reaching those individuals that are undiagnosed with sleeping disease. If undiagnosed, and left untreated, sleeping disease can be life-threatening and lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

o In 1988, the ASAA created the A.W.A.K.E. (Alert, Well, And Keeping Energetic) Network. This network plays a role of advocacy and education about sleeping disease. This network is made up of hundreds of groups in almost every U.S. state. The network provides advice about types of sleeping disease therapy, sleeping disease treatment, weight loss, and new research findings. ASAA publishes a newsletter entitled The Wake-Up Call which provides useful medical information about the disease.

Sleep problem is not a rare disorder, but it is often an undiagnosed disorder. An individual with sleep problem is not aware they are not breathing properly. Even though individuals with sleep problem notice symptoms associated with sleep problem, most of the time individual's with sleep problem seek medical attention because of symptoms noticed by their sleep partner.

Sleep problem is diagnosed by a sleep study test called polysomnography (PSG) which is conducted by sleep specialist at a sleep clinic. The PSG test records the bio-physiological changes while the patient sleeps. The PSG monitors the brain waves, eye movement, muscle activity, and heart rhythm of the patient. A patient is said to have sleep apnea if the PSG test defines five or more episodes of apnea (pause in breathing) per hour. The PSG also diagnoses which of the three types of sleep apnea the patient experiences.

Go to Sleep Apnea Zone to get your free ebook on Sleep Apnea at Sleep Apnea [http://sleepapneazone.org/]. Sleep Apnea Zone also has information on Sleep Apnea History [http://sleepapneazone.org/] along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Sleep Apnea Community site today for free ebooks and other free information that can help you today.

Sleep Apnea History

Read through Sleep Apnea Treatments - Are There CPAP Alternatives? much more

Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder found in a large part of the US population, and is said to affect around 18 million people. CPAP (constant positive airway pressure) is a treatment that is regularly used to manage the disorder. The CPAP system makes use of a small air compressor to provide a constant, pressurised airflow to the sufferers airway. This helps lessen the sleep apnea symptoms.

This positive pressure airflow works quite well to keep the airway clear during sleep, and reduces the chance of obstruction if the soft tissues of the mouth and throat collapse. One of the downfalls of CPAP therapy is that it can be quite uncomfortable for the sufferer, the pressurised mask can make exhaling a little labored and the airflow can cause throat dryness. But there are a range of CPAP alternatives, and this article will look at some of them.

One of the most simple alternatives to CPAP is the use of positional therapy as a non-invasive treatment. This is simply the act of changing the sleeping position of the sufferer to provide relief. There are a number of products that can help, from foam wedges, to special pillows and shirts that adjust the position that the sufferer can sleep in.

By inclining the body a little, the effects of gravity on the soft throat tissues is changed, and the tissues are less likely to block the airway. Positional therapy is most often used to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea need a different approach as it is the inability of the brain to regulate the breathing that is central to this form of the condition. But if combined with additional treatments, positional therapy can also help the central form of the condition.

BiPAP therapy is also used as a cpap alternative. BiPAP (BiLevel Positive Airway Pressure), like CPAP, creates a positive airway pressure to assist the sleep apnea sufferer to breathe. The great thing about BiPAP however, is that it monitors the patients breathing, and reduces the airflow when the patient exhales, making breathing a lot easier. So BiPAP offers an equally effective treatment to CPAP, treats obstructive and central sleep apneas, AND makes the exhalation process a lot more comfortable for the user. A win-win situation. There is however another type of sleep apnea, called complex sleep apnea. Both cpap and bipap systems are less effective in the treatment of this condition.

ASV (Adaptive Servo-Ventilation) is a treatment that is similar to BiPAP. Used mainly in the treatment of complex sleep apnea ASV (Adaptive Servo-Ventilation) is still an experimental treatment but results are excellent. Although approved by the FDA, ASV is still considered experimental as there are not that many published results, but these are increasing all the time.

These are just a few of the alternatives to CPAP. Many patients get on well with it, but it is not for everyone. Consult with you doctor to try to find the best treatment that is right for you, with effective results and reduced side effects.

Sleep Apnea

Are you looking for cpap alternatives? Visit Julian's excellent website to find information and product reviews on a wide range of sleep apnea and snoring related conditions, including the respironics cpap mask, an extremely popular and effective cpap mask.

Sleep Apnea Treatments - Are There CPAP Alternatives?

Read Sleep Apnea - Information About What the Three Different Types Are much more

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a fairly common, but serious, medical condition. It is characterized by periods during the sleep cycle when a person's breathing is briefly interrupted. These periods can last anywhere from ten to twenty seconds, or more, and can occur upwards of twenty or thirty times an hour. Sufferers often experience daytime sleepiness and are at risk for other health conditions such as strokes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

There are three types: Obstructive, also known of as OSA, Central or CSA, and Complex or Mixed Sleep Apnea.

OSA is the result of the muscles of the uvula and soft palate relaxing too much and starting to sag. This causes the airway to become blocked and collapse. The body tries to breathe normally, but cannot. Because it cannot, the levels of oxygen carried in the blood begin to drop. When the oxygen levels drop, the brain reacts by sending signal to the body informing it that it has to wake up and breathe.

People suffering from OSA often have an airway that is narrower than normal at the base of the tongue and palate and/or have low muscle tone and soft tissue around the airway. Becoming overweight, drinking alcohol, taking tranquillizers, anti-histamines, or sleeping pills can worsen the condition. OSA is the most common type of apnea. While not all people who snore suffer from OSA, snoring is one of it's symptoms.

The causes of CSA are completely different than those of OSA. Unlike OSA, which is physical in origin, CSA is a type of neurological disorder in which the brain sends the respiratory system delayed or confused signals.

The origins of CSA lie in the way that breathing is monitored by the body. The problem begins when a person's brain starts to ignore blood oxygen levels. Instead, it starts to regulate breathing based on it's measurements of carbon dioxide levels. A person's breathing begins to respond to the levels, increasing when they are too high, and decreasing when they drop.

As carbon dioxide levels increase, the brain sends the message for breathing to pick up speed. This results in the amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream decreasing. However the brain reacts too slowly to the drop, and continues to send out the signal for faster breathing. This causes the levels to drop too low. It then has to send another message telling the body to slow its breathing down. Breathing then slows or stops, until the carbon dioxide levels begin to climb again. The resulting pattern of abnormal breathing is called "Cheyne-Stokes" breathing. This form of apnea is most commonly seen in people over sixty years old.

The third apnea type is a combination of the other two types, as its name implies. Mixed, or complex, sleep apnea, is marked by prolonged periods of OSA that are mixed with brief periods of CSA. According to studies, once the OSA has been treated, the CSA will disappear or decrease automatically.

Sleep apnea should not be ignored. It can seriously affect a person's health and their life in general. Treatment options are available. CPAP therapy is quite often effectively used in treating the condition. Oral Appliance Therapy, which uses a dental device to help keep the airway open, and surgery can also help to treat OSA. Anyone who believes that they may be suffering from the condition should speak with their doctor about it.

Click on sleep apnea Toronto in order to get more insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the three main types of treatment for sleep apnea in Toronto

Sleep Apnea - Information About What the Three Different Types Are

Sleep Apnea

Examine Sleep Apnea and Sleeping With a CPAP Mask additional

What is Sleep Apnea?

The Greek word "apnea" literally means "without breath." Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's breathing stops for 10 seconds or longer during sleep. It can be mild, moderate or severe, depending on how many times in an hour a person's breathing stops (apnea) or becomes very slow (hypopnea). Apnea episodes may occur from 5 to 50 times an hour.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) sleep apnea affects more than 12 million Americans. However, due to a lack of public awareness as well as a lack of awareness on the part of healthcare providers, it is thought that the majority of cases remain undiagnosed despite the seriousness of the disorder and its consequences.

There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea, (CSA) and mixed sleep apnea, (MSA). OSA is the most common type of sleep apnea and is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses and closes during sleep. In CSA, the airway is not blocked but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe due to instability in the respiratory control center. Mixed apnea is a combination of the two.

What Are the Effects?

With each type of apnea, the brain briefly arouses people, triggering them to start breathing again, causing fragmented, poor quality sleep. As a result, sleep apnea may also cause poor performance in everyday activities, such as work and school, motor vehicle accidensa and academic underachievement in children and adolescents.

If left untreated, sleep apnea can result in a growing number of health problems including hypertension, stroke and heart failure, irregular heartbeats and heart attacks. Additionally, memory problems, weight gain, headaches, even impotency can occur as a result of sleep apnea when left untreated.

Who is at Risk?

Sleep apnea can affect anyone at any age, even children, however risk factors include the following:

Being overweight
Having a large neck size (17 inches or greater in men and 16 inches or greater in women)
Male gender
Being over the age of forty
Having a family history of sleep apnea
African Americans, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders have a greater risk of sleep apnea than Caucasions. Additionally, African Americans tend to get sleep apnea at a younger age.
Women who have been through menopause. After menopause women get sleep apnea at a rate similar to men.
Conditions that may cause head and face abnormalities such as Marfan's syndrome and Down Syndrome.
Being Evaluated -  If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, check your insurance policy before making an appointment, as you may be required to get a referral to a sleep specialist from your primary care physician. You may also be required to go to a certain testing facility. Some insurance policies exclude coverage for the diagnosis and/or treatment of sleep disorders and some do not cover the durable medical equipment, and diagnosis and treatment can be a significant expense, usually over $1,000. Doctors who know sleep medicine may be pulmonologists (specializing in lungs), neurologists (the brain), otolaryngologists (the ears, nose and throat), psychiatry (mental health) or primary care physicians. Some doctors may be certified through the American Board of Sleep medicine (ABSM)., or hold degrees that meet the requirements of this board. At any rate, you will likely be referred to a sleep center. If your doctor does not refer you to a specific sleep center, you can visit http://www.aasmnet.org/ for the most up to date list of accredited member sleep centers and laboratories.

At the sleep center, you can expect to undergo a sleep study, which uses several devices to record activity during sleep. These generally include an electroencelphalogram (EEG) to measure brain waves and an electroculogram (EOG) to measure eye and chin movement, both to monitor the different stages of sleep. An electrocardiogram (EKG) will measure heart rate and rhythm; chest bands to measure breathing movements and additional monitors to sense oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood as well as monitors to record leg movement. None of the devices is painful and there are no needles involved.

Treatment Options:

Generally, your doctor will prescribe lifestyle changes and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy, but surgery is an option if these treatments fail to succeed. The American Sleep Apnea Association identifies CPAP therapy as the most common treatment for the condition. CPAP therapy works by preventing the airway from closing during sleep. It is administered at bedtime through a nasal or facial mask held in place by Velcro straps around the patient's head. The mask is connected by a tube to a small air compressor. The CPAP machine sends air under pressure through the tube and into the mask, where it imparts positive pressure to the upper airways, preventing the tissues in the back of the throat from collapsing during sleep.

CPAP therapy can be an extremely effective form of treatment, however the biggest problem is non-compliance. It has been estimated that over 65% of patients use the machine for a maximum of just 4 hours per night when it should be used for the duration of the patient's sleep. In many cases, patients report using the CPAP for just a few nights out of the week.

Discomfort is a major factor contributing to non-compliance. During side sleeping or stomach sleeping, the mask presses and rubs against the patient's face, which is a major comfort problem and can also distort the mask, causing leaks and furthering the non-compliance problem.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Visit Contour Living for additional information on bed and back wedges and better sleep solutions. Contour is the brand leader in ergonomic products designed specifically for comfort and support. Products include orthopedic pillows, cushions, chair pads, mattress pads and more. The new Contour CPAP Pillow provides better support for sleep apnea therapies.

Sleep Apnea and Sleeping With a CPAP Mask

Study Tips For Selecting the Best Pillow For a Great Night's Sleep extra

Sleeping is the one thing that everyone must do in order to revitalize the body and the mind for another day of a demanding life. Since this is the only way that many people can unwind and relax, it is a good idea to make the environment as comfortable as possible. A good night's sleep is often difficult to come by, but if the correct type of pillow is selected, a night of high quality sleep can go a long way. A few tips should be followed when setting out to locate the best type of pillows to use during times of rest.

Although there are many people who keep a variety of 24x24 throw pillows on their bed throughout the day, the only type that is actually needed for a great night's sleep is the type that rests the heat and helps to align the spine. The first step in locating the type of pillow you need to purchase is to take a good look at the way you actually sleep.  Those who sleep on the back or stomach will only need a very thin design, if they even need a pillow at all. Side sleepers, however, will need a much firmer pillow that will assist in filling in the gap that is located between the ear and the shoulder in order to keep the body aligned properly all through the night. The latex or memory foam varieties work well for this type of sleeping position as they mold into the exact shape that is needed for the ultimate level of comfort.

A variety of different stuffing materials can be found when shopping around for pillows. The choice will likely depend on the way you are feeling on any given day, so it is a good idea to have a variety on hand. Hungarian down or goose down helps to create a very soft pillow, whereas the latex varieties are much more firm for added neck support. Be sure to consider any known allergies before selecting the filling type as well because down and latex are common allergens. Wool and cotton are good choices because they are hypoallergenic and firm for the side sleeper.

Many of those who are needing to purchase a new pillow are often concerned about different medical conditions in their selection. If you have sleep apnea for instance, you will want to select pillows that provide the necessary support in a side sleeping position that will also help cut down on snoring. A new pillow is a great way to get a good night's sleep and should be a first priority if you are having trouble sleeping.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Dave Gorski writes about pillows at: http://www.pillowsfacts.com

Tips For Selecting the Best Pillow For a Great Night's Sleep

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Read through CPAP: Relief For Sleep Apnea Sufferers more

Excessive daytime fatigue, inattention to detail, memory problems, and inability to focus are just some of the possible effects of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder which affects many millions of people. Those who suffer with sleep apnea experience abnormal breathing patterns throughout the night, from those whose breathing gets extremely shallow to those who stop breathing for seconds or even minutes at a time during episodes. Fortunately, there is a treatment for sleep apnea which has proven to be quite affective. It is called continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP.

Cause of Sleep Apnea

Most cases of sleep apnea are caused by a high level of relaxation of the muscles around the tongue and in the throat. This relaxation causes the airway to become smaller, allowing less air to travel to the lungs and less oxygen to be taken in by the body. In a very severe case of sleep apnea, sudden death may occur. At a minimum, the low level of oxygen intake will cause symptoms of fatigue the next day, from inattention to detail or even vision impairment.


Doctors often first suggest that patients undergo a polysomnogram, or sleep study, in a clinic which specializes in such diagnoses. During the study, the number of episodes of shallow or stopped breathing is typically measured and averaged per hour, and it is this number which determines whether a patient has a mild, moderate, or severe case.

To treat a patient with sleep apnea, doctors will often begin by trying to modify a person's behavior. This includes suggestions to avoid alcohol or sleeping pills, both of which may contribute to the muscle relaxation that leads to various levels of oxygen deprivation. If that does not work, or if a case of sleep disorder is quite severe, a doctor may begin CPAP therapy, in which doctors use a machine which pumps out a level of air pressure which is enough to trigger a patient's muscles to keep open the airway leading to the lungs. The patients have to wear a plastic mask over either their nose or mouth or both, and the mask connects to the machine.

CPAP Pros and Cons

Although many patients experience effective results through this type of therapy, many also object to the mask they have to wear. It can be uncomfortable and awkward, and might interfere with the level of intimacy that sleeping partners enjoy during the evening hours. The discomfort may even initially cause more sleep problems that it solves, but patients are encouraged to take some time to adjust to the machine due to its abundant benefits.

Treatment for sleep apnea can be quite expensive. If a sleep clinic comes back with a sleep disorder diagnosis, it is likely that a doctor will then prescribe treatment through continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP machines can also be quite expensive, but often the costs are covered by insurance companies who understand that the treatment of all the problems that can arise because of sleep apnea may wind up costing far more than the machines themselves.

Sleep Apnea

Profmed Healthcare Solutions is the premiere supplier of CPAP equipment in Toronto, Mississauga & Brampton. Visit us at http://www.cpapmachinestore.ca to find out more.

CPAP: Relief For Sleep Apnea Sufferers

Sleep Apnea

Read through Dental Treatments for Sleep Apnea additional

Dental Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a widespread yet often undiagnosed syndrome that affects an estimated fifteen million men and women in the US alone. It is far more common in men as it is in female patients. The symptoms include snoring, disruption of breathing while sleeping, feeling tired upon waking, aching head upon waking, daytime exhaustion and drowsiness, changes in disposition and attentiveness, and a decline in sex drive. These symptoms have a negative effect on the day to day lives of sufferers.

They have trouble staying awake, particularly at work or when arriving home from work. Their relationships suffer, their work output decreases and they feel unhealthy in general. It is a debilitating disorder that requires treatment. Untreated sleep apnea has been shown to be a contribution to many other serious problems, such as cardiovascular symptoms, which are prominent among middle-aged men. Due to these issues, if sleep apnea is diagnosed, a sleep disorder specialist should be consulted. Your family doctor or dentist can refer you to a sleep center for treatment.

The best treatment for patients with is the most conservative therapy that will improve his unique medical situation. What is the most conservative therapy that will help you? This is a multifaceted and personal question that should be discussed by you, your sleep doctor and your family doctor. The treatment should be chosen according to the type of apnea, the severity of the symptoms, and your other health considerations. One conservative treatment that has been proven to help is the application of various dental devices. These dental appliances are recommended for those people who experience mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

A number of devices are available depending on the need of the patient or the prescription of a dentist. These devices are designed to reposition the mandible and tongue in an anterior or forward position to enlarge pharyngeal dimension and to prevent their collapse into the airways during sleep. The goals of this dental treatment include improvement or resolution of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Two types of oral devices are available for the therapy, a mandibular repositioner and tongue retaining devices. The mandibular advancement device, referred to as MAD, is the most widely used instrument for treatment of sleep apnea. Its features are similar to a mouth guard, which forces the lower jaw downward and forward to maintain an open and unobstructed airway. The TRD, or tongue-retraining device, keeps the airway open all the time by holding the tongue in place.

These devices can cause marked improvement of airflow, thus decreasing snoring and sleep apnea. Side effects of this device include increased salivation, discomfort and dry lips. Regardless of which treatment you and your dentist or sleep specialist decide upon for your circumstances, consistent use of the dental device is need for improvement to be seen. Getting used to a dental appliance while sleeping can be difficult and far too often patients stop using them. The side effects and risks of untreated sleep apnea should be enough to make you want to continue treatment for as long as required to achieve relief from the debilitating symptoms of sleep apnea.

This story was written by Ross D Taylor, for Fremont Dentist Smile Matters. They are experts in treating sleep apnea with dental treatments to help cure it without the need for invasive surgeries or uncomfortable equipment.

Study Sobakawa Pillow - The Best Buckwheat Pillow more

Sobakawa Pillow - The Best Buckwheat Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

The Sobakawa Pillow is filled with dried buckwheat. Buckwheat is a natural substance, so the pillow is eco-friendly. One of the best features about the pillow is that it stays cool since the buckwheat distributes the heat from your head and away from the body. The buckwheat promotes air circulation through the pillow.

The Sobakawa is the first pillow of its kind to be widely available. This is the same type of pillow that has been used for years in Asia. The pillow is filled with buckwheat, which naturally forms to the shape of the head. This helps to create much better support than other types of pillows such as foam, polyester or even feathers. The buckwheat doesn't compress over time as much as other materials do, so it keeps its healthy shape.

The Sobakawa Pillow is therapeutic. It can actually reduce the stress on your neck and lessen back pain or strain. It also helps control getting a stiff neck, which can happen when using other types of pillows. It is non-allergenic, so it's good for people with allergies.

You can use the Sobakawa Buckwheat Pillows no matter which position you like to sleep in. To properly use the pillow, first lie on your back to create the perfect formation for your head. If you're a side sleeper, you can just turn your head to the side. The pillow is easy to sleep on and is very comfortable.

You'll find that you get a better night's sleep when you use a Sobakawa Pillow. You can easily get more comfortable and stay comfortable throughout the night. This means you'll stay asleep rather than waking during the night. You'll awaken more refreshed and rested than ever before. If you've had trouble sleeping in the past, you may find that all you need to help you get a healthy night's sleep is to switch to a Sobakawa Pillow.

With so much emphasis today on ecology, it's important to note that the Sobakawa Pillow is eco-friendly. The filling is made using buckwheat, a natural dried product. The buckwheat is soft enough to feel good yet firm enough to keep the head at the proper angle to promote a healthy sleep position.

I've checked out many different types of pillows, but the one that seems to lead the pack is the Sobakawa Buckwheat Pillow. It is a treat to spend the night on a well-designed pillow that keeps my neck and head properly supported while I sleep. I love that I can always get a good night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed with no stiffness or soreness. Best of all, the pillow lasts for years and always stays as good as the day it arrived.

I just found the greatest pillow ever - the Sobakawa Buckwheat Pillow. The Sobakawa Pillow is designed to keep your head cool while providing the exact support you need for a good night's sleep. I really appreciate a good night's sleep and the Sobakawa Pillow promises just that.

Read on more about Sobakawa Pillow review here.

Read Sleep Apnea Remedies - 2 Alternative Treatments For Sleep Apnea far more

Sleep Apnea Remedies - 2 Alternative Treatments For Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep apnea remedies are covering a wide range. Here you will find one that is best for you. Besides the conventional sleep apnea remedies there are also alternative treatments. In this article we will present two ideas. You should take time to explore and decide, together with your doctor, which one you should choose.

1. An alternative treatment for apnea is homeopathy. Based on the fundamental principle of this alternative medicine, taking minute quantities from substances that in greater quantities produce the same effects as the disease can cure that disease.

The homeopathic remedies, which come in the form of very diluted solutions, aim to stimulate the body's natural reaction to illness. One such homeopathic sleep apnea remedy is made of snake venom in a diluted solution and is used for extroverted persons. Its name is Lachesis and is primarily used to treat to treat circulatory disorders and blood diseases.

Another homeopathic remedy is the essence of Vervain or essence of lavender, which may help those suffering from apnea to relax, and thus enjoy a deeper sleep.

If you are tensed during the day, then this might prevent you later on, during the night, to have a good sleep. For such cases a cup of sambucus or elderberry tea drank a few hours before bed can be helpful. It acts as an expectorant, clearing breathing passages.

2. Another alternative treatment is the use of herbal sleep apnea remedies, which approaches this disease from a holistic point of view and in a natural, non-invasive way. Herbs, nature's pharmacy, have been from ancient times for all types of illnesses.

This method of treating the SAS is based on the consideration that the cause of sleep apnea is the interrupted nervous communication between the brain and the diaphragm.

The problem is not the sagging soft palate or the rapid inhalation that sucks the soft palate into the airway. According to this approach, the problem is the reduced capacity of the brain to send a signal to the diaphragm to produce a breath with sufficient amplitude. If the breathing is sufficiently deep, then the apnea sufferer would not make a rapid inhalation, suck the soft palate into the airway and snort, disturbing his sleep.

Based on that, it is recommended Lobelia as a respiratory stimulant, which increases the depth of respiration sufficiently to prevent the drop in blood oxygen due to the muscular inhibition.

Thyme is another herb recommended because of its effect on the pleural activity. To these are added chamomile and cramp bark to relax the muscles of the neck. So, this compound acts in two ways: to increase the level of nervous signal to the diaphragm and to relax the neck muscles.

There are other sleep apnea remedies that you can use, some more conventional, others more of a novelty. The best remedy depends on the severity of the disease and on other personal factors, each case being different. It is worth studying all the options.

Click here to find out other sleep apnea cures [http://www.sleepapneanatural.com/sleep-apnea-cures-what-sleep-apnea-cures-are-available]. Visit the site SleepApneaNatural.com to read about the sleep apnea pillow [http://www.sleepapneanatural.com/sleep-apnea-pillow-avoid-surgery-with-sleep-apnea-pillow] as a natural remedy for apnea.

Read through The Secret to Great Night's Sleep - Sleep Apnea Pillows! much more

Sleep Apnea Pillow

The Sleep Apnea Pillow is designed especially for the over 71 million people who snore when sleeping and suffer from an obstructive form of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is the name given to the condition which causes short cessation of breath while sleeping. This cessation of breath may be as short as a few seconds or more and sometimes it can be for as long as 60 seconds. This happens mainly when a person with this condition sleeps on their back.

Because of shortness of breath due to the airway becoming obstructed, the suction this creates while breathing will cause the softer tissue of the airway to collapse inwards and to touch each other. As the tissues touch and vibrate, the snoring sound is created. Sleep Apnea is the condition that results from the airways being completely blocked as the soft tissues have collapsed instead of vibrating together. Blockage is made much worse by poor muscle tone, fatty deposits and congestion in the throat makes snoring worse and can result in the snorer making so much noise that he/she wakes themselves and their partner up. So this condition not only affects the sufferer but also the person having to listen to them. This is not the only trouble this causes, with the snorer's airways blocked, they fail to breathe properly, depriving the brain of oxygen, so they do not get a proper nights sleep, tossing and turning and feeling tired in the morning. This is also known to strain the heart tremendously, and can be fatal in the worst cases where the snorer might suffocate.

The Comfort Lift Pillow® SideSleeperDelight ™ is the ideal wedge shaped, sleep apnea pillow and offers long-term relief designed for sleep apnea sufferers. The pillow is made from soft resilient foam; with memory foam shoulder rests and features a 30 degree elevation. It is square shaped, narrows at the bottom end of the wedge, rising by 30 degrees to under the head, and has two shoulder rests on the facing side which position your head so that you cannot turn onto your back. This is a cleverly and well thought out design, and from people who have used it have give rave reviews about the pillow's effectiveness in promoting a full nights restful sleep, without snoring, and choking sounds and no more sleep apnea problems.

The Comfort Lift Pillow® SideSleeperDelight ™ sleep apnea pillow is available in these standard sizes small, medium and large and costing $169.95, $249.95, and $299.95 respectively. The sleep apnea pillow comes with its own pillowcase. This pillow is also known to help acid reflux sufferers as well.

How the apnea pillow differs from normal wedge pillows is that it is contoured, designed for extra lumbar support, extra spinal support, recessed shoulder rest, multi-sleeping position design (side, back and stomach), different sizes to choose from to suit, adjustable heights and styles, use of memory foam to relieve pressure on the shoulders.

These are just a few of the options in sleep apnea pillows. Next, discover what the right pillow can do for you at www.pillowreport.com and find out what a good night's sleep really feels like.

The Secret to Great Night's Sleep - Sleep Apnea Pillows!

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Read Sleep Apnea Oxygen Mask additional

Sleep Apnea

One of the most effective treatments for obstructive sleep apnea is the use of a CPAP, BiPAP, or APAP machine to force the airway to remain open and reduce apnea caused by collapsing tissue in the throat. This is achieved by forcing pressurized air down the airway to allow the patient to breathe easier in the event that tissue begins to obstruct the airway. This pressurized air is delivered through some form of mask or other apparatus that directs the pressurized air into the nose or mouth.

There are many different interfaces that allow this to occur, and choosing one that best suits you is critical to maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment. An uncomfortable interface can reduce the patient's ability to sleep peacefully, countering any positive effects the machine may be providing. Therefore, great consideration she be had when choosing an oxygen mask.

Before you choose your sleep apnea oxygen mask, it is important to be informed about the mask you plan on purchasing. Most oxygen masks are triangular and made of a synthetic material such as plastic or rubber. The masks use various sealing methods, such as a soft foam or rubber gasket to form the seal with the face.

Masks come in varying sizes to accommodate a wide variety of customers, and to ensure that each patient receives a mask that can fit the contours of their face. Most sleep apnea oxygen masks have straps that encircle the head and under the chin to ensure a tight seal and to prevent slipping during the night.

Sleep apnea oxygen masks may cover the nose or both the nose and the mouth, depending on the need of the patient. Those patients who have problems breathing only though their nose may require an oxygen mask that covers the mouth as well, as breathing unpressurized air through the mouth will result in less effective treatment. Patients who have excessive amounts of facial hair may find that the seal is unable to form due to the interference from their facial hair. In this instance, it may be recommended that the patient find an alternative to using a face mask, such as using nasal pillows.

Nasal pillows allow the user to forgo the use of headgear in favor of two inserts that form the seal in the nostrils. While this is an effective way to counter facial hair as well as feelings of claustrophobia caused by the face masks, the seal formed is weaker due to the lack of straps, and therefore more apt to break at higher pressures.

Regardless of which type of sleep apnea oxygen mask you choose to utilize in conjunction with your machine, keep in mind that any discomforts can likely be eliminated by switching to another mask. Do not be afraid to try many masks before settling for a particular one, as the oxygen mask is too important a component to compromise with. Make sure that the mask you pick is satisfactory in meeting your wants and needs, as well as functional to your particular situation.

Go to Sleep Apnea Zone to get your free eBook on Sleep Apnea at Sleep Apnea [http://sleepapneazone.org/]. Sleep Apnea Zone also has information on Sleep Apnea Oxygen Mask [http://sleepapneazone.org/] along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Sleep Apnea Community site today for free eBooks and other free information that can help you today.

Sleep Apnea Oxygen Mask

Study Anti Snoring Pillow for Your More Comfortable Sleep additional

Anti Snoring Pillow for Your More Comfortable Sleep

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleeping is an important thing for our life. It is not just for relaxing our body, but it can also as a way to maintain our body health. Having enough sleep in our daily life can help us to feel healthier than others. But the thing that we commonly find these recent days is that now most of us have less time to sleep. We often do not realize that now we have so many routines that make us so busy with the outer world, when we back home, we were so tired but still, we often get a few things as our homework which should be done. Machines, if used for long duration, then it will become tired. Moreover, if it used intensely without having rested, it is not impossible if it can be broken. Then, have you ever imagined how will your body be, if you get not enough sleep?

As the machines illustrated above, our body will be dropped also, if we do not pay enough attention to it for having a rest from a lot of activities that we do in our daily life. As we go to sleep in an exhausted condition, we hope that by sleeping we can get enough rest and get new spirit also. But in fact, we often get a disturbance in our sleep. Have you ever experienced snoring? People usually take the medicine to heal that. Not just soundly, but actually this is also categorized as a sickness, but we just do not realize it. Now you can try to remedy that by using the anti snoring pillow. What is that? Anti snoring pillow is a pillow which is designed for those who are often snoring in their sleep.

If you want to use the anti snoring pillow, now you can easily find it since there are many websites on the internet offer you many kinds of this anti snoring pillow online.

Thanks for reading my articles. I have another article about snoring pillow on Squidoo. You can read and learn more about it here.