Understand What Is Sleep Apnea? - Central, Complex, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Causes and Treatments extra

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects over 12 million Americans every year and 90% of these people do not know that they are afflicted. Sleep apnea is defined as a sleeping disorder in which someone has trouble breathing as they sleep. More specifically, while asleep the affected person will have pauses during breathing for a length ranging from ten seconds to a few minutes. These episodes will occur repeatedly throughout the night between five to up to and sometimes over thirty times per hour. Sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed and untreated resulting in many of the condition's symptoms including daytime sleepiness, loud snoring, depression, irritability, problems remembering and concentrating, heartburn, morning and night headaches, insomnia, and unexpected weight gain. Not every affected person will suffer from all of these symptoms but those who have sleep apnea will suffer from one or a few of these symptoms.

There are many causes and contributors of the conditions; the most common cause is enlarged tonsils and adenoids. When the tonsils are inflamed, they will create an obstruction in air trying to get into the body and therefore cause the apnea when throat muscles relax during sleep. This cause can be fixed with a surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids called tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. About half of the people that have a sleep apnea condition are obese. One of the major causes of this condition is soft tissues building up around the airways and restricting them, then when muscles relax during sleep airflow is significantly restricted. Weight loss would greatly reduce the symptoms and aid breathing during sleep for obese people. Another cause can be the shape of one's head, teeth, jaw structure, or other abnormalities. These can restrict airflow to the body in a variety of different ways depending on the specific case. Over-relaxation of the throat and tongue muscles can also be a cause of the main issue. When these muscles relax, they close up the windpipe and create an obstruction. This problem will worsen with age, sedation, alcohol consumption, and the affects of other substances. Controlling what gets put into your body can help in this situation. The last major cause is as simple as any kind of congestion in the body blocking the airways. This can occur in a variety of ways ranging from having the common cold, to regular smoking habits. When several causes of sleep apnea are combined, the condition can worsen.

There are three different types of sleep apnea that one could suffer from. These different types include central, obstructive, and complex sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is the most common type, being the type diagnosed in 85% of cases. It is the basic blockage of the airflow into the body as described previously. When soft tissue in the back of the throat relaxes during sleep, causing greater blockage, the airflow into the body is restricted. Central sleep apnea syndrome is much less common, affecting less than one percent of sleep apnea cases. Someone is diagnosed with central sleep apnea when the central nervous system is functioning abnormally. This happens when the brain fails to send signals to the body's muscles that control its breathing. The final type is complex sleep apnea, which is simply a combination of the other two types and affects around 14% of those diagnosed with the condition.

To be properly diagnosed it is recommended to consult a physician where a sleep test will be administered. The polysomnography test, or a simple sleep test will measure the body's blood pressure, brain activity, and oxygen levels in the bloodstream while it is in the different stages of sleep. Depending on which type of apnea the physician diagnoses, there are different treatments that go along with them.

There are a few treatments when it comes to curing sleep apnea. One common treatment is the use of a continuous positive airway pressure machine. The CPAP machine's function is to keep the patient's airway open while they are sleeping to ensure the normal breathing functions are restored during sleep. The machine works by keeping a flow of pressurized air in the patient's throat through a mask connected to the CPAP machine. In more extreme cases, a BPAP machine will be used. It operates very similarly to the CPAP machine except that it facilitates the exhaling process along with the inhaling. This treatment is not always used, as these machines are expensive and reportedly very uncomfortable by patients who elect to use them. Surgical treatments also exists, though the operation is very dependent on the person's situation. The surgery involves removing whatever mass is blocking the airways or fixing the physiological abnormality causing the patient to have trouble breathing.

Apart from the costly CPAP machine and surgery, there are a few options to help alleviate sleep apnea symptoms. Lifestyle changes are first and foremost. Weight loss paired with the reduced intake of alcohol, smoking, sedatives, sleeping pills, and narcotics can help control the effects of the condition. Research is underway for some new options including attempting to use a tongue shocking devise to keep throat muscles more tense. As stated earlier, the over-relaxation of tongue and throat muscles is one of the biggest causes. A simple change in sleeping position can also help the condition. This will include the elevation of your head and torso. It is important to raise the entire torso. Raising the head only will compound the problem. Angling the head from the torso only closes the windpipe more restricting more air from entering the body. When the body is elevated from the waist up, you reduce how much the airway collapses to help control the apnea. Foam wedge pillows and adjustable base beds are two products that can help dramatically reduce a sleep apnea. Depending on the severity and the cause of the apnea, the treatment will be different. Consulting a physician to get treatments specifically tailored case by case is the best action to take to diagnose and help a sleep apnea.

This article is written by Devin Williams. Devin is a Internet promotion manager for Back to Bed Mattress Stores. For more information about sleep and related issues, tips, and news please visit Back to Bed Mattress Stores website or contact one of our mattress experts.

If interested in electric adjustable beds for raising the angle of your torso during sleep, please also visit us.

What Is Sleep Apnea? - Central, Complex, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Causes and Treatments

Sleep Apnea

Go through Sleep Apnea Medication a lot more

Sleep apnea is thought to be a silent killer with millions of people affected by the condition in the USA alone. The condition is said to affect people of all ages, sex and races alike. Obese people more than 40 years of age are a high risk category and need to take sleep apnea medication if diagnosed with the condition. The treatment may continue life long depending upon your medical status. It should be started based on a thorough assessment of your medical history and analysis of your sleep pattern.

As more and more research is being directed in understanding the causes of sleep disorders, the traditional methods of treating the diseases are giving way to a more scientific approach of dealing with the problem. Needless to say that people are researchers are finding alternate sleep apnea medication to bring about improvement in the life styles of patients and enhance their life span.

One of the most important methods of treating sleep apnea is through continuous positive airway pressure or more commonly known as C PAP. The system involves use of sleep apnea masks for supply of air pressure to airways during your sleep. While the procedure is most effective, it still causes inconvenience and discomfort hence the compliance level among patients is not that high. Secondly even after using the system regularly, you may be having residual sleepiness causing you fatigue and a feeling of lack of control during day time. Sleep apnea medication can be taken by such people in conjunction with their existing line of treatment. This will address most of the cases of sleepiness in people even when they are using C PAP which till date remains the most effective treatment available for sleep apnea.

One golden rule to be followed before taking sleep apnea medication is that you have to make a fair assessment of factors behind sleep deprivation during the night. As this is one of the most common conditions, it may also lead to the wrong diagnosis. Thus lack of sleep due to stress and related factors is not sleep apnea. You may end up being on the wrong side of medication if you do not apply time and effort diagnosing the symptoms and causes. Similar is the case where your sleep deprivation in night is treated as simple case of stress and heartburn when actually you are afflicted with sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea medication can also be used as a bridge therapy where the patients are prescribed the medication during the time; they are upgrading from existing C PAP procedures to a more prolonged use in the night. This may be required to address the sleepiness during the daytime. A number of anti depressant drugs are also found to have some therapeutic values for treating sleep apnea. It is found that some of these drugs reduce the number of times patients have to get up in night due to their medical condition. These medications manipulate the brain chemicals responsible for helping people breathe normally during the night. A lot of research is being done and clinical trials are on before these wonder drugs are available as effective sleep apnea medication.

Sleep Apnea

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea. by T. D. Houser

Sleep Apnea Medication

Understand How to Have a Good Night Sleep much more

How to Have a Good Night Sleep

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Insomnia often happens among people undergoing stress or anxiety problems. It is characterized by difficulty in sleeping as well as other symptoms including early wake up time and uncomfortable sleep. People who work for long hours and work on night shifts have higher chances of acquiring this sleeping condition.

Although insomnia may range from short term to constant stage, other people who lack sleep every night can find solutions in different sleeping aids recommended by most experts. For those of you who encounter too many sleepless nights, try doing these techniques to have a more relaxing and peaceful sleep.

Try avoiding food and drinks with too much caffeine. Stay away from eating coffee pies, apples, and coffee drinks before going to sleep. These food and drinks contain caffeine, which helps you stay alert and awake. In order for you to have a good night sleep, try drinking a glass of cold or hot milk to put you in the sleeping mood.

Always take time to search for the best pillow in the market. High-quality pillows with a soft feel give you more reasons to rest in bed. Plus, it allows you to have a more comfortable feeling while sleeping. There a variety of pillows in the market so make sure you get the best type that fits your sleeping needs. If you're a traveler, better get some traveler's pillows so you can sleep soundly while on a journey.

Select a comfortable mattress for your bed. You may have the most expensive pillow forms in your bedroom but are you sure you also have a good and comfortable mattress around? Having a cozy bed will ease your mind during bedtime. Cover your bed with dark or white linen and avoid putting bed covers in bright colors.

Warm tones immediately put you to sleep while white ones connote a clean sleeping space that helps elevate your sleeping mood. If you want, you can put decorative pillows like Asian floor pillows on your bed so you can sleep with style and added comfort.

Don't turn the TV on as you put yourself to sleep. Or better yet, don't place a TV set in your bedroom. A bedroom should always be a quiet little place for rest and not for recreational activities. You can read some books instead of watching TV. Reading books allows your mind and senses to relax so it's recommended to stack up some books on your bedside table.

Buy sleep apnea mask. This mask is specially designed to prevent snoring and obstructed breathing during sleep. If you snore during sleep or your husband's irritating snoring prevents you from getting 8 hours of sleep, you should buy this tool. It's worn as a mask and it's quite affordable. You can purchase it in medical stores or online medical shops.

Always keep your sleep apnea mask, eye covers, and other sleeping essentials in a drawer near your bed. Place it strategically near you so by the time you feel sleepy, you don't have to get up and get your sleeping tools in your closet or a drawer that's too far away from you. Getting up will wake your senses, making it difficult for you to go back to your sleeping mood.

Find out more about pillow products by visiting http://bestpillowsite.com/ and get all the FREE information about pillows now!

Go through Baby Sleep Apnea Monitors much more

Baby Sleep Apnea Monitors

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

People connect sleep apnea with overweight adults, mostly men, and this profile does tie in with most sufferers, but in fact everybody ceases breathing at some time when they are asleep. Not every night as with sufferers of sleep apnea, but every now and then.

Even babies can stop breathing sometimes. This can be a terrifying experience for parents and carers. If you are worried about your baby suffering from apnea, you could get one of the baby sleep apnea monitors.

There are three forms of apnea, which means 'without wind' and derives from Greek: central, obstructive and mixed or complex apnea. Obstructive apnea is by far the most common kind and it is also the explanation why babies get apnea the majority of the time too.

Even though a small amount of apnea occasionally is fairly standard, constant apnea could be a signal that something is wrong medically. Two of the causes in babies could be inflamed adenoids or tonsils, which could have significant consequences.

It is difficult to tell what is going on with babies at the best of times, but when a baby is suffering from apnea, you may become aware of snoring, breathlessness, colouration and restlessness.

Obstructive apnea usually just happens during sleep when muscles are relaxed, however, central apnea can occur at any time of the day or night. Central apnea is caused by a part of the brain that regulates breathing not working properly. This sort of apnea is more common in premature babies.

Mixed or complex apnea is a mixture of the other two types and is also pretty common in children.

Your doctor, the nurse or the midwife will check for apnea and may suggest that you buy one of the various baby sleep apnea monitors. One of the concerns with these baby monitors is that none of them is completely dependable to detect the end of breathing. Therefore, the better baby monitors will include a heart beat detector as a back-up.

The monitor must also be able to activate an alarm outside the room where the baby is, so that the parent or carer can walk around the house without having to worry about checking up on the baby regularly

These remote alarms are usually wireless nowadays and they may also have a vibration alert. This is a very helpful function. The last thought is the power source. Batteries alone are not really suitable.

The best forms are rechargeable. That is, they function like a mobile phone. This means that the sensor can be attached to the cot and the baby wherever it is, even when there is no local power source.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on a number of subjects, but is now concerned with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. If you would like to know more, please visit our website at Sleep Apnea Surgery Techniques

Examine Sleep Apnea Equipment - What is the Best Equipment to Use For Sleep Apnea? additional

Sleep Apnea

Searching the best sleep apnea equipment is a legitimate quest for anybody who suffers from Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS). What should you choose from the several alternatives that are on the market today? We will list the major manufacturers and what should you look for when buying sleep apnea equipment.

The most recommended and used equipments for SAS are the CPAP machines that represent a natural and non-intrusive treatment for people who suffer from this condition. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure.

The principle is simple. Because in the OSA the blockage is physical, such as an enlarged tongue or tonsils, a CPAP machine is customized to push air in the mouth at a specific rate of speed. This ensures that the tongue and tonsils will not block the airway. The device comes with a special mask that is attached to the face with stripes.

These are the most known manufacturers of sleep apnea equipment:

Resmed is one of the biggest manufacturers on the market and makes CPAP, AUTO and Bilevel machines.

Respironics is the other big company that produces sleep apnea equipment. Most of the people have devices produced by these two companies. Respironics makes CPAP, Auto, BiLevel and Auto BiLevel machines. Their machines are divided in the following categories:

M Series Sleep Systems, these are the newer models that Respironics produces.
REMstar Family (pre-M Series), these are the older models of machines, but many people still like and use them.
BiPAP Family (pre-M Series), represent the older models of Bilevel machines.
Puritan Bennet is a smaller manufacturer. It makes plain CPAP, Auto and Bilevel sleep apnea equipment.

Fisher and Paykel is again a smaller manufacturer. The machines produces by this small manufacturer can be included in two groups:

SleepStyle 200 CPAP Series, which are CPAP machines, and
Sleep Style 600 CPAP Series, which are CPAP that in addition have a heated hose.
Devilbiss is produced by Sunrise Medical. This company makes CPAP, Auto and BiLevel machines.

Aeiomed is another smaller manufacturer that produces the Everest machine.

It is recommended that regardless the model you choose, the sleep apnea equipment to have two features:

To be a fully data-capable machine, which means it stores the data regarding your sleep and thus it can be viewed by your doctor, and based on that he can make adjustments or further investigations. Especially if your apnea is not under control, the doctor doesn't have any other way to know what is happening if your machine doesn't collect all this data.

To have a heated humidifier, the reason being that a CPAP treatment can be very difficult without a humidifier. The air is pushed into the nose and it can be dry, even when you are in a humid environment, which can irritate the tissue.

Before buying a sleep apnea equipment research very well the machines that are available and choose the one that suits you best. The mask is important because your comfort depends on it, but the machine is the most important piece in this puzzle.

To read about more about the sleep apnea machines [http://www.sleepapneanatural.com/discover-what-sleep-apnea-machines-can-do-for-you] visit the site http://www.SleepApneaNatural.com. Here you will also read about other sleep apnea cures that are available for you.

Sleep Apnea Equipment - What is the Best Equipment to Use For Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea

Read through Sleep Apnea Equipment more

Sleep Apnea Equipment

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea (apnea coming from the Greek for "without breath") is a life threatening disorder involving frequent pauses in breathing during sleep. If left undiagnosed and untreated, sleep apnea can have serious consequences. Fortunately, several machines and devices are available for both diagnoses and treatment.

Sleep apnea equipment for diagnosing the disorder are those associated with the sleep studies required to delineate the type and severity of the disorder. The patient undergoes an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram. During this test, the patient's brain waves are read via EEG electroencephalogram, to measure neurological arousal shifts. Other sleep apnea equipment measures blood oxygen desaturation. A 3-second or greater shift in EEG, or a 3-4 percent desaturation of blood oxygen is a reliable indicator for sleep apnea.

Once diagnosed, several different types of treatments are available. The most common therapeutic intervention uses sleep apnea equipment known generically as CPAPs, or continuous positive airway pressure. CPAP come in three main varieties, the CPAPs themselves and VPAP, variable positive airway pressure, and APAP, automatic positive airway pressure. This sleep apnea equipment consists of a medical pump about the size of a shoebox, a long flexible tube and a mask to be worn over the face, over the nose, either over the mouth, or over both.

Certain features of sleep apnea equipment can increase patient comfort, and verify effectiveness of treatment. Ramps are a piece of sleep apnea equipment that allows the patient to begin the night's sleep at a lower pressure and "ramp" it up later. Heated humidifiers provide warm, moist air, easing breathing. Compliance motors measure if the patient is experiencing any apnea events while using the sleep apnea equipment. Other features of sleep apnea equipment include telephone modems to download data and gauges to monitor patient intake, to adjust pressurized accordingly.

Of all the sleep apnea equipment listed, the mask is perhaps the most important to effectiveness of treatment. Masks come in several types and must not only fit securely, but also must fit comfortably for the patient to continue treatment. When securing sleep apnea equipment for treatment, the mask should be fitted, possibly rented and used for a few nights to test comfort and efficacy.

Included in sleep apnea equipment are several less invasive items. A special pillow holds the sleeper's head in a cradle, in a position to tilt the head back and extend the neck, easing breathing. Other sleep apnea equipment includes an inflatable back cushion, which discourages the patient from sleeping on his/her back. Oral devices, much like a mouth guard worn in sports, hold the tongue forward to prevent blockage of the airway.

Back cushions and pillows can be purchased at will, other sleep apnea equipment requires a physician's prescription. The CPAP machines must also be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they can be sold. Oral devices, too, must be FDA approved before use. Their website lists over fifteen different types of FDA approved oral sleep apnea equipment.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea. by T. D. Houser

Go through Sleep Apnea Treatments more

Sleep apnea (apnea comes from the Greek for "without breath") is a sleeping disorder which causes the sufferer to stop breathing many times a night, for up to a minute each time. The symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, abrupt awakenings with shortness of breath, dry mouth, drowsiness and morning headache. The consequences of this disorder can be serious hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Sleep apnea treatments then are vital. Three forms of sleep apnea exist: obstructive, central and mixed. Sleep apnea treatments vary according to the type of apnea, to the severity and to the medical history of the patient.

Sleep apnea treatments include lifestyle changes, physical interventions, oral devices, surgery, prescription medicines and breathing machines. A single type of treatment may not work on its own, thus requiring a combination of sleep apnea treatments to treat the disorder. The patient begins sleep apnea treatments with simple lifestyle change instructions: avoid alcohol, limit medications such as sedatives and muscles relaxants that relax the central nervous system, lose weight and/or quit smoking.

Sleep apnea treatments can include using a special pillow, or a device to keep the patient from sleeping on his/her back. Also included is wearing an oral device that keeps the airway open during sleep. An example of one of these oral devices for sleep apnea treatments is a mandibular advancement splint (MAS). This device is similar to a mouth guard worn in sports, and holds the lower jaw down and forward to keep the tongue farther away from the back of the airway.

Surgery is one of the more invasive sleep apnea treatments. Several procedures exist. Surgeons can remove and tighten tissue, and widen the airway. Success rate from surgical procedures, though, is not high. Prescription medicines are another possible treatment, though like surgery not highly successful. Stimulants can reduce the number of sleep apnea episodes, but produce side effects like palpitations and insomnia. When other sleep apnea treatments fail to treat the disorder, stimulants can be prescribed to help the patient's daytime sleepiness. As a complete sleep apnea treatment, however, prescribed medicines are ineffective.

The most widely used of the current sleep apnea treatments is continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. This sleep apnea treatment requires the patient to wear a mask while sleeping, over the nose, either over the mouth, or both. A breathing machine pumps a controlled stream of air into the mask. The additional pressure holds open the relaxed muscles, much as if air inflates a balloon. The patient's physician, based on an overnight test, prescribes the amount of pressure.

There are variants of the CPAP sleep apnea treatments. VPAP means variable positive airway pressure. Also known as bi-level or BiPAP, provides higher pressure during inhalation and lower pressure during exhalation, and is often utilized for patients who have other respiratory problems. APAP or automatic positive airway pressure is the newest form of breathing machine type sleep apnea treatments. The system has been approved by the FDA, but is still considered experimental.

Sleep Apnea

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea. by T. D. Houser

Sleep Apnea Treatments

Sleep Apnea

Read Sleep Apnea Remedy - 6 Natural Remedies For Sleep Apnea a lot more

Looking for a sleep apnea remedy? Here are 6 different remedy ideas that you can try:

Take care of your health:

a) Lose weight. Even a 10% reduction in weight can reduce or eliminate your sleep apnea.
b) Don't smoke. This relaxes the muscles in your throat and can induce snoring.
c) Don't drink any alcoholic beverages. This also relaxes the muscles in your mouth and throat and can cause you to snore.
d) Avoid taking any sedatives before you go to bed.
e) Perform snoring exercises to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for causing you to snore.

2. Use an over-the-counter solution to open up your nasal passages.

a) Use a nasal strip.
b) Use a nasal dilator.
c) Use a nasal spray.
d) Use a throat spray.
e) Wear a chin strap while you sleep.

3. Make a few modifications to your sleeping habits as follows:

a) Do not sleep flat on your back.
b) Sleep on your side if at all possible.
c) Keep your head elevated.
d) Use a firm pillow.
e) Use a sleep positioner as a wedge to prevent you from rolling onto your back while you sleep.

4. Make a few modifications to your diet as follows:

a) Consume a couple of teaspoons of honey before you go to bed at night.
b) Avoid consuming any dairy products such as milk, yogurt, or ice cream before bedtime.

5. Sometimes you can open up your nasal passages by stimulating your olfactory senses:

a) Apply a vapor rub to your chest before bed.
b) Use aromatherapy solutions.
c) Take a warm steam bath before bed and inhale the warm vapors.

6. Use these other solutions that require medical intervention:

a) Use a mouth guard to help keep your mouth closed while you sleep.
b) Wear a snoring monitor that detects when you are snoring and gives you a gentle jolt to disrupt your sleeping pattern that is causing the snoring.
c) Use acupressure to alleviate the symptoms of snoring.
d) Consult with a medical professional on surgical solutions to stop snoring.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Want to cure your snoring problem permanently, once and for all? Why haven't you tried these natural exercises [http://www.snoringexercises.info] to stop snoring [http://www.snoringexercises.info] yet?

Sleep Apnea Remedy - 6 Natural Remedies For Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Read Sleep Apnea: Your Sleepiness May Be More Serious Than You Think much more

Sleep Apnea: Your Sleepiness May Be More Serious Than You Think

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is one of many sleep disorders which can have severe effects on the daytime quality of a person's life. The possible consequences of untreated apnea go beyond simple grumpiness or sleepiness. Brain injury, coronary issue and, ultimately, death are all associated with varieties of this disorder.

All forms of apnea are characterized by unusual pauses in a sleeping person's breathing or extended periods of very low breathing. These interruptions can sometimes last more than a minute. They may manifest themselves as snoring, though not all snorers have sleep apnea. The severity of the apnea is generally described in terms of how often these aberrations occur and how profound they are.

What Is Sleep Apnea Caused By?

There are three kinds of apnea. They are obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea and mixed apnea. Each of these apnea types arises from distinct causes and presents unique symptoms.

Obstructive apnea is the most common form of this disorder. The soft tissues which make up the airways inside a human body respond to gravity during sleep and can obstruct breathing passages. This sort of apnea actually occurs to many people on occasions throughout their life when they have respiratory infections. However, it is the chronic form of this disorder which requires treatment. The low oxygen levels in the blood that apnea can cause hypoxemia. The resulting sleeplessness is also more dangerous than many people consider, as it can lead to vehicular accidents and other mishaps.

The effects of central apnea can be much more severe than those of obstructive apnea. Whereas the latter is caused by physical phenomena that can be altered or treated directly, central apnea arises from a problem in brain functions. For unknown reasons, the centers in the brain which cause the body to maintain a breathing cycle do not function properly in some people. Chronic sufferers of this form of apnea are at risk of seizures and even heart attacks.

Mixed apnea is a combination of both obstructive and central apnea. Doctors believe that it may occur when untreated obstructive apnea causes changes in the neurological functions which control sleep in humans.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

There are several symptoms that sufferers of apnea may exhibit. Night time symptoms include loud snoring, choking during sleep, frequent awakenings at night and multiple trips to the bathroom to urinate. Waking symptoms include irritability, breathlessness, morning headaches and sleepiness even after spending more than sufficient time in bed.

If you have been recently diagnosed with sleep apnea or if you suffer from any of the symptoms you might want to get more information or talk to your doctor. You can start by reading more posts on topics like what is sleep apnea caused by on the popular sleep blog Sleeping Resources.

Understand Types of Sleep Apnea Treatment far more

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by brief breathing pauses during sleep, if left untreated can lead to serious cardiovascular problems and premature death. Currently there is no complete cure for sleep apnea, but there are a number of treatment methods available. Diagnosis is done via a sleep study (polysomnography) and is usually conducted in a sleep lab. Home sleep test kits are available these days for those who may have problems sleeping in a foreign environment like a sleep lab.

There are a number of conventional treatment methods commonly used and these depend on the patient's medical condition and also on the severity of the disorder. These conventional treatment methods for Obstructive Sleep Apnea commonly recommended include:

Use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine
Use of Oral or Dental Appliances
Throat or nasal surgery

Currently there is no medication available to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Provagil tmModanifil has been recommended for some sleep apnea patients who complain of persisting sleepiness during the day even when using CPAP for several months. Provagil has been prescribed as an adjunctive treatment for patients who have not responded adequately to CPAP.

Of the three conventional treatment methods above the use of CPAP machine is by far the most popular and is relatively successful in treating sleep apnea. Unfortunately the compliance rate is not very high and many users have reported great discomfort in using a CPAP machine and sleeping with a mask attached. In fact the problems and side effects experienced with the use of CPAP mask and other oral dental devices have prompted many to look for other alternative treatments. Surgery unfortunately is more invasive and painful and has not had very good success rate either.

There have been some clinical studies and reported success cases on a number of alternative treatment methods. In fact some of these natural alternatives have been considered as complementary to the more conventional treatments.

Following are some alternative treatments:

Lifestyle changescan help sleep apnea
Diet, exercise and weight loss. Even a small amount of weight loss can open up your throat and improve sleep apnea symptoms.
Quit smoking. Smoking is believed to contribute to sleep apnea by increasing inflammation and fluid retention in your throat and upper airway.
Avoid alcohol and other muscle relaxants or depressant drugs a few hours before bedtime, because they relax the muscles of the soft palate and interfere with breathing.
Avoid having heavy meals and coffee a few hours before bedtime.
Sleeping Positions- avoid sleeping on the back. Sleeping on the back cause the tongue to fall backwards into the airway causing an obstruction in the airway leading to sleep apnea. There are a number of aids available to help avoid sleeping on one's back. The most popular is a specially designed sleep pillow that makes it difficult for the user to roll over onto his/her back thus preventing the user from sleeping in the supine position.
Singing Therapy- singing therapy has been proven in scientific studies to help reduce the number of apneas significantly. There had been a number of successful clinical trials conducted at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Weak vocal chord muscles and tissues in the throat tend to relax and collapse when we sleep resulting in a blockage of the airway causing apneas. The principle behind this 'singing therapy' is that by strengthening and toning the throat muscles it reduces the risk of the flabby soft palate tissues and throat muscles collapsing and vibrating hence reducing snoring and blockage of the airway, a major cause of sleep apnea.
Didgeridoo Therapy- A study done by Dr. Milo A. Puhan and his team showed that regular Didgeridoo playing is an effective alternative treatment for patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea. To play the Didgeridoo correctly it requires a special breathing technique called 'circular breathing'. This breathing technique requiring the coordinated movements of the tongue, mouth and throat help to strength the airway by toning the muscles surrounding it helping to reduce any blockage of the airway.
Acupuncture - Energy or 'qi' in ancient Chinese tradition flows through the body by way of 'meridians', i.e. invisible energy channels located throughout the body. This flow of energy like all flows can often times be blocked in the body. This blockage is attributed by Traditional Chinese Medicine as a cause of many health problems, sleep apnea being one of them. To unblock this flow of energy, acupuncture is often used as an effective healing technique.

For more information on Alternative Treatments for Sleep Apnea visit my website below.

Sleep Apnea

John Hingg is a researcher whose passion is in the quest for good Health and Life. Like most he has his fair share of health issues. His mission is to share his health experiences as a patient with other patients. Visit his website at http://SleepApneaTreatmentThatWork.com where he shares his research on the unbiased reviews of 9 surviving sleep apnea patients and their experiences on treatments that work for them.

Types of Sleep Apnea Treatment

Understand Treating Sleep Apnea more

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea, a common sleep disorder can be treated using various methods, but it can become in some cases a life threatening illness if not treated properly and kept in check.

This brief article offers just some of the measures available to help cope with the condition, however detailed diagnostic skills are required from professionals to ensure the correct treatment is used.

Sleep Apnea treatments include complementary and alternative , as well as conventional and common sense treatments.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

· Exercise and Weight Reduction- Since the physique of the person influences Sleep Apnea, any reduction in body weight will make a big difference particularly in obese people.

· Homeopathy- Homeopathy, Lachesis and Opium can be used for the treatment of Sleep Apnea. Lachesis is preferred for highly dynamic, extrovert and angry individuals. Opium is prescribed for person with emotional pain. Homeopathic physicians prescribe special diet control since Sleep Apnea is mostly related to loss of energy.

· Essence Treatment (flower treatment)- Flower remedy Vervain is usually preferred for people with strong sentiments for life. Vervain helps them to calm down and solve the daily life problems including Sleep Apnea. This type of treatment is given to people with Obstructive Sleep apnea.

· 5HTP- it is suggested that a decreased level of Seretonin affects the nerves which control breathing activity. Seretonin releases hormone cortisols, which controls the muscles for breathing. This natural maintenance of (5HTP) serotonin supply is another option for the treating sleep Apnea.

Conventional treatment of Sleep Apnea

Continuous Positive Air way Pressure (CPAP) - a Sleep Apnea Treatment which provides a continuous supply of air through the nose. The sufferer wears a mask when asleep with it being connected to a machine that pushes air into the nasal track thereby keeping the airways open during sleep.

Bi-Level Positive Air way Pressure (BPAP)- is a machine used for severe Sleep Apnea. The Bi-level machine applies pressure in two levels in which the person inhales pressure in a higher level and exhales at lower level.

Oral Appliances- are prescribed to open the air passage through mouth. This can cure mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Surgery- is sometimes the preferred option to correct physical abnormalities, to increase the size of air passage and to correct nasal disorders. There are different surgical methods- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, Somnoplasty, Laser Assisted palatoplasty, tracheostomy, Maxillo Facial Surgery.

Common Sense Treatment methods of Sleep Apnea

· Sleeping on your back should be avoided

· Raising your bed head for maintaining an elevated position

· Avoid alcohol as it depresses breathing activity

· Avoid sleeping pills

Though a complete cure of sleep Apnea is not currently possible , discussing with your doctor and taking appropriate treatment measures can help sufferers to lead a normal life.

Toby Russell & his website: http://www.sleepapneainfoguide.com offers information, advice and news for sufferers of snoring, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

Treating Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Examine Everything About Sleep Apnea far more

Sleep apnea is also known as obstructive sleep apnea, and is also characterized on not breathing about 10 or more seconds while sleeping. It is a sleep disorder that commonly occurs on adults and rarely on children. Sleep apnea is also suspected on the medical history of the person. Treatment may do either nonsurgical or surgical.

Apnea occurs on not normal sleeping and breathing because breathing will suddenly reduced and stops for a period of seconds. This includes the definition that occur, stops breathing or airflow or 4% loss of oxygen on blood that results on reducing the inflow of the oxygen on the blood. This can cause disruption on sleeping and also an indication that the person is on his deep sleep.

Symptoms of Apnea are excessive in sleeping on daytime, and several times of obstructed breathing while sleeping. Loud snoring, morning headaches, refreshing sleep, dried mouth usually when awakes, high blood, overweight, irritability, personality changes, depression, difficult in concentrating, heartburn, reduce libido, restless sleep, insomnia.

Sleep disorder apnea is a serious problem that is to be treated and to have a lot of medical attention. This could cause heart attacks, impotence, strokes, irregular heartbeat, and heart disease. Obstructive sleep apnea can cause sleepy during daytime, lost productivity and also relationship problems.

Diagnosis can be done when the doctor test the patient and it is called polysomnography, there are two kinds of testing the patient using polysomnograms. On overnight test which involves muscle tension, monitoring brain waves, eye movement and respiration. This also includes measuring level of the oxygen in the blood. The second test is to be done at home or called monitoring test at home.

Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnea can be treated using Continuous Positive-Airway Pressures (C-PAP). This machine blows the air inside your nose by the use of nose mask. Bi Level machine is used in treating severe apnea which blows the air in 2 different pressures. In Bi Level Machine, the pressure will be higher if the person inhales and the pressure becomes lower when exhaling.

However, Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea can be treated through several behavioral changes such as weight loss. Other uses oral mouth devices which is helpful in keeping airways always open while sleeping. This helps in reducing obstructive snoring in three ways such as bringing the jaw forward, elevating the soft palate and maintain the tongue in falling back the airway as well as in blocking breathing.

The Obstructive Apnea is considered a progressive situation or disease that gets worse as a person grows old.

Sleep Apnea

Learning the basic information on Sleep Apnea [http://sleepapneazone.org/]. Come and visit us at: [http://sleepapneazone.org/]

Everything About Sleep Apnea

Read Baby Sleep Apnea a lot more

When most people think about sleep apnea they consider it a disorder that applies only to adults. However, this disorder in babies is prevalent all across the globe. Central apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea in infants. Infants born before the mother's 37th week of pregnancy are most at risk of having central apnea. In adults and children over a year in age, OSA (obstructive sleep apnea ) is most common.

What are the causes? The most common cause of apnea in premature babies is a lack of a fully functional central nervous system. Other known causes include exposure to poisons and toxins as well as gastrointestinal issues. In older children it is commonly caused by a facial structure in the child that narrows the airway, enlarged tonsils, or anything else that cause excessive tissue in the upper part of the respiratory system.

What are the symptoms? The primary symptom for infant sleep apnea is that the child will stop breathing for 10 to 20 seconds at a time. This will cause the child to take on a blue appearance in the face and torso.

What are the dangers? When your infant stops breathing their oxygen level drops, their carbon dioxide level increases and their heart rate may drop severely which could result in death.

How is it diagnosed? Initial diagnosis is usually performed by a pediatrician but might sometimes be referred to a specialist. The most common test is called a polysomnogram which records oxygen levels, breathing rate, eye movement, and even records gasps for air.

How is sleep apnea treated? The treatment that is prescribed will depend on the severity of the apnea. It could be as simple as being watched on a heart monitor, medication, or in cases of OSA a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device.

What if my child stops breathing while asleep? You should gently nudge your child and if the breathing does not resume call 911 right away. (If you are trained in infant CPR begin treatment right away and have someone else call for emergency services.) If you're alone perform the CPR for a couple of minutes, call 911, then resume resuscitation efforts.

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Examine Causes of Sleep Apnea extra

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Causes of sleep apnea is what many people were trying to find out in order to get the right treatment for the condition, a sleep disorder that may become very serious. But no matter what the cause is, the effect is still the same... and by "effect" I mean the interruption of breathing thus disrupting the resting activity of a person.

If you suffer from this condition, basically what that means is that there is an estimated 10 second interval in every breath you breath, thus creating an oxygen loss in the blood for about three to four percent (sometimes more). With this disorder, the problem lies not only with disturbed sleep but with the internal processing of the body as well. That could be one of the reasons why a person with such sleeping disorder would experience havoc and weakness everyday in their lives.

Cause of sleep apnea is possibly either of the following:

* Excessive fat or obesity. An estimated 70% of those people who are suffering from this disorder are obese. Obesity and sleep apnea have this interrelated relationship; that means obesity can cause sleep apnea.

* Nasal blockage or congestion triggered by either sinusitis, colds, smoking or allergies.

* Large adenoids or tonsils which can be a cause of nasal blockage.

* Some distinct physical characteristics. That includes the shape of the neck and head, deviated septum, enlarged tongue, and receding chin.

* Your tongue and throat muscles are more relaxed than normal when sleeping. It could be due to aging, sedative and alcohol intakes.

Oxygen and sleep deprivation can be one cause also. Though it might seem as not dangerous enough, still the result of this deprivation may be fatal.

Sleep deprivation doesn't only hurt the people who have the disorder but their bed partners as well. It can compromise the health stability, lower the rate of mentality and can increase the percentage of easily getting irate. Oxygen deprivation can cause serious problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, memory problems, and sexual dysfunction.

Cause of sleep apnea; know it and you will be better able to seek the best treatment for your situation.

Got questions about sleep apnea? Suffering every night? Understanding the cause of sleep apnea [http://sleep-good.com/cause-of-sleep-apnea/] is the first step in finding the best treatment for you. Go to sleep-good.com [http://sleep-good.com/] and sleep better TONIGHT!

Read Sleep Apnea - A New Treatment Option For Children more

Sleep Apnea - A New Treatment Option For Children

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is estimated to affect some two to three percent of children today (getting on for two million children in the United States alone) and is particularly seen in children between the ages of about three and six.

In the vast majority of cases the main cause of sleep apnea, in this case obstructive sleep apnea, is enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids and the preferred method of treatment is surgery. However, research being carried out at the University of Louisville in Kentucky may well result in thousands of children escaping what is for many an unpleasant and often frightening procedure.

Although the removal of tonsils and/or adenoids in children was extremely common some years ago the practice was, until recently, in decline, as doctors sought out alternative treatments for childhood throat infections. However, as an increasing number of children were diagnosed with sleep apnea, tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy rapidly became a common treatment for this condition and today some estimates show that as many as ninety percent of all such operations are carried out to cure sleep apnea, rather than throat infections.

It seems, however, that this could well change in the not too distant future.

Dr Goldbart, heading a research team at the University of Louisville, has been working in this area for some time now and presented the initial findings of his work on the tonsillar tissue of children with sleep apnea in June 2004. Based on these findings, Dr Goldbart's team proposed an alternative non-invasive treatment for mild cases of childhood sleep apnea and has since carried out a series of studies, the latest of which involved 40 children. The results have now just been published and are extremely encouraging.

The treatment involves the use of oral montelkast (sold under the brand name of Singulair) which many parents may well recognize as a common form of treatment for asthma.

In many cases of asthma breathing difficulties are caused by inflammation of the tonsils resulting from the presence of leukotriene receptors and Dr Goldbart and his team noticed that these same leukotriene receptors were present in the tonsils of children with sleep apnea. He concluded therefore that the treatment that has proved so effective in cases of asthma should also reduce inflammation and open up the airway in cases of sleep apnea, and it would appear that he is right.

It is of course still early days and a great deal more work needs to be done, including further double-blind and placebo-controlled studies. Nonetheless, his findings are indeed encouraging and may well provide an alternative to surgery for many thousands of children in the future.

Copyright 2005 Donald Saunders - http://help-me-to-sleep.com

Donald Saunders is the author of a number of health related publications including "How To Get A Good NightÂ’s Rest". Pick up your free copy today and discover how to cure insomnia or visit help-me-to-sleep.com and Learn more about treating sleep apnea

Study Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment - Oral Appliance far more

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment - Oral Appliance

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Snoring and sleep apnea are remarkably common problems that afflict a surprisingly large segment of the population. As many as 20 million Americans may suffer from this condition, with 80-90% of them undiagnosed. According to results from the Wisconsin Cohort Sleep Study, 9% of women and 24% of men had apnea, making it as common a health problem as diabetes in North America.

What is Sleep Apnea? What Are the Risks?

It is a disorder where breathing pauses or stops briefly during sleep creating a lack of oxygenated blood for the body. Many people who snore also suffer from sleep apnea, although most don't realize it. Apneas, which are the actual pauses when breathing stops, can last anywhere from 10 seconds to minutes at a time, and may occur 5 to 30 times per hour during sleep.

It is of 2 types: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), where an air passage frequently collapses or is blocked during sleep, and central sleep apnea, where the brain does not send the correct signals to breathe. Obstructive sleep apnea is more common and overweight and obese individuals who snore are at a higher risk of having OSA...

This condition is dangerous because of the symptoms. It can increase the risk of high blood pressure, insomnia, mood disorders, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, obesity, and diabetes. It can also cause daytime sleepiness and lower awareness during everyday activities like driving, which can be dangerous to you and others.

Treatment for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

There are a number of options when it comes to treating OSA. These include lifestyle changes, surgery, medication, CPAP, and dental alternatives, such as oral appliances.

o Sleep Position: In some cases, snoring and sleep apnea occur only when a person is sleeping in certain positions. Using a different pillow or sleeping arrangement can prevent these breathing cessations.
o Consistent Fitness Routine: Losing weight is often a solution for OSA, as obese or overweight people are much more likely to suffer from the condition. Also, exercise improves energy levels, overall health, and quality of life.
o Medication: Various medications can be effective in opening the airways and preventing sleep apnea. These include topical nasal decongestants, nasal steroid sprays, thyroid medication, antidepressants, and diet medication.
o CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (or "CPAP") is a mask that holds the airways open with air pressure. Although it's generally considered an effective non-surgical option, CPAP can be cumbersome or uncomfortable for some users
o Surgery: In some extreme cases, surgery can be performed to widen the airway. This is not guaranteed to cure sleep apnea and does carry risks associated with surgery.

Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep Apnea

Oral appliances, or dental appliances, provide much more portability and comfort than the CPAP device. Oral appliance therapy for snoring and sleep apnea involves a dental appliance that fits in the mouth, holding the tongue and jaw forward and the palate up. The appliance is specially designed to keep the airway open and prevent obstruction during sleep. These appliances are custom designed based on the individual's mouth and specially fitted to assist with an optimal treatment outcome.

Dental appliances have the highest levels of compliance when compared to other therapies and are reported to be very effective in treating mild to moderate apnea. They are also effective for severe this when used in conjunction with CPAP. In order to work, they must be properly fitted by a dentist who will ensure that the appliance molds to your mouth and provides maximum benefit. They have a higher compliance rate than CPAP devices because of their comfort and ease of transportation.

To learn more about how dental appliances can help alleviate your sleep apnea symptoms, contact a professional who can assist you with diagnosing and treating your disorder. A qualified professional will work with you to determine the severity of your condition and which treatment strategy is best for your circumstances.

Mark Kleive is a Dentist in Minneapolis and provides Sleep Disorder Treatment at his clinic. After graduating with distinction from the University Of Minnesota School Of Dentistry in 1997, Dr. Kleive continues to teach select courses at his alma mater and also at the Pankey Institute, a prestigious post-graduate dental institution.

Go through Snoring and Sleep Apnea - A New Epidemic? extra

Snoring and Sleep Apnea - A New Epidemic?

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Snoring falls under the category of Sleep Disorders. Sleep disorders are more common than previously thought, and a large number remain undiagnosed. They range from the common such as snoring and sleep apnea to the rare and unusual such as narcolepsy.

The similarity amongst the more common conditions is a fault or weakness in the airways resulting in the body's inability to get air to the lungs. This unfortunately has dangerous ramifications to us all. The everyday motorist/driver feeling fatigued before even stepping into his car, or if you are a professional responsible for the performance of procedures or a manual worker responsible for the operation of machinery, all of you have the potential to cause harm to yourself and innocent bystanders.

Snoring affects five out of every hundred of us, yes 5%. It is linked to high blood pressure. And just as disturbing it is responsible for stress in our relationships as the partner abandons ship and grabbing the pillow head for the other bedroom (or a better neighborhood!).

Sleep apnea is a condition where the body intermittently ceases breathing during the sleep period causing a jolt into wakefulness. These individuals are rarely even aware of their problem and it is usually brought to their attention by their frightened partners. It of course leads to a reduced quality of sleep. It affects four out of every hundred, or 4%. Sleep apnea is linked to increased blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It is also under investigation as a possible cause of mature people dying in their sleep.

What can we do? Well, ensure that you have a firm (not hard) bed that gives good support for your body. Invest in a quality pillow, such as a contoured one, realizing that it can take a week or two to get used to the pillow as well as a new supportive bed.

There are exercises that can make a marked difference to opening up the air passages thus allowing a good and healthy night's sleep. Here is a little one to begin practicing with. This simple exercise helps to open up your throat, and removes one of the most common reasons for snoring: a tense jaw.

Begin by putting your upper and lower molars together, very lightly. Now open your mouth as wide apart as you can, without stretching. Repeat this ten to twenty times. Make sure you only focus on your molars. All that matters is putting the molars together and then lowering your jaw... like hinges on a door, for about 20 times in a row. After about 5 to 10 times you should feel your jaw muscles strengthening and the back of your mouth opening up. This is the weak tissue that you are contracting, which you feel opening up your airways.

The muscles you now feel contracting in the back of your throat are one of the main problem areas in your snoring. This is but one of 24 different exercises that work to open the airways by strengthening weak and inactive muscles.

David Morton is a Doctor of Chiropractic with over 30 years clinical experience. He wishes to share his expertise in this field. He offers a range of self help programs [http://betterspines.com/helpful_stuff] His website betterspines.com offers simple ways to increase flexibility [http://betterspines.com/stretching_exercises_catalog] and improve overall health and fitness.

Read through What is Sleep Apnea? additional

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Do you snore loud enough to keep your partner from getting a restful sleep? Do you wake frequently through the night, have difficulty staying awake at night? Do you fall asleep at work or while driving? You may also wake at night with your chest feeling tight and gasping for air. These are some common conditions of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder that is treatable and curable. However, you should see your doctor if you are suffering from these symptoms.

Excessive weight gain or restricted airway passages in your throat are the causes of sleep apnea. A restricted airway passage may cause a persons heart to stop beating briefly and this causes the body to gasp for air in a panic like state. Sufferers of sleep apnea may not be aware of this heart stopping panic.
As the sleep apnea conditions develop, sufferers may experience a low libido without even knowing why. Sleep apnea sufferers may also have trouble staying awake while at work or driving, which can be extremely dangerous.

It is important to note that snoring does not always indicate a person has a sleep apnea disorder. A person with sleep apnea snores very deeply and fully and the person snores through the mouth rather than the nose. A sleep apnea sufferers' chest will rise more severely as the person appears to be in a deep sleep. The snoring will stop for a few seconds and then the breathing becomes less prominent, the breathing then stops and the person begins snoring loudly and may gasp for air and then the person may wake themselves up. Now, if the person does not wake up, they are prevented from reaching the normal rapid eye movement stage of sleep due to their constant struggle for air during their sleep period.
The person who suffers from sleep apnea is constantly exhausted. The libido decreases, maybe even causing marital problems. The sleep apnea sufferer loses their motivation and simple chores become taxing.

Sleep apnea, in extreme conditions can become life threatening. When the heart is not beating, it can cause a heart attack and/or suffocation. There are a considerable number of people that suffer from sleep apnea, that do not know they even have it. These same people may just feel that they are tired all the time. They suffer from low motivation and low sex drive but do not know why.
If you feel you have sleep apnea, you should contact your doctor or contact the American Sleep Apnea Association if you live in the United States.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site offers tips and advice on Sleep Apnea by T.D. Houser

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Study Sleep Apnea and the Truck Driver Or Shiftworker a lot more

The recent case of a NSW truck driver using sleep apnea in his defence against culpable driving brings out some interesting issues for the transport industry. The defence argument was dismissed, which meant bad news for the charged driver. But it could well have been worse. It could (and may still) lead to the inability of sleep apnea sufferers to qualify for a long distance driving license.

This may sound harsh. However, it's already the case in some European countries and Canada. A special Parliamentary committee in NSW discussed the issue some years ago, and it is likely to be resurrected again before long.

Why apnea? And what can drivers and managers do about it? More importantly, what is sleep apnea and how can it be avoided?

The word apnea means 'the absence of spontaneous respiration'. During sleep, this represents long periods where the body 'forgets' to breath. Watching apnea sufferers, one may be excused for thinking they were dead - some times for up to half a minute. They then snap back into action with a large gulp of air and several short breaths to make up for the lack of oxygen circulating around the body.

Sleep apnea sufferers quite often don't know they have a problem. Because they're asleep, they are not usually aware of the regular long delays in breathing. However, their sleeping partners or other household members usually are, because one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is snoring.

In about 80% of sleep apnea cases, the sufferer is overweight. For men, this usually means a 'pot belly' which makes it difficult to sleep on their side or front. Hence, they tend to wind up sleeping on their back for most of the night. With the increase in belly fat also comes an increase in fatness of the tongue! This, plus the extra pressure of fat around the neck, then blocks the windpipe, causing the airways passage to collapse in on itself and cause that ZZZZZ sound as too much air tries to get down too small a passage. A few drinks of alcohol before bed makes the problem worse as the windpipe itself then becomes loose and floppy, causing it to vibrate even more.

Because the heavy snorer (and sleep apnea sufferer) tends to have small awakenings (up to 300-400 times a night) to get a breath, he is then constantly tired during the day. For this reason, working in a job that is sedentary but requires concentration, such as driving a truck, can cause the sufferer to drop off to sleep at any time. And this is where the legalities can start.

The implication of the current medical knowledge of sleep apnea is that being overweight predominantly causes it. Up to 80% of sleep apnea cases are overweight or obese. Although there are genetic factors involved in being overweight, much of it is self-induced. In an environment where fatty fast foods are easy to come by and no real physical effort is required any more during the day to stay alive, it's easy to get fat. And lots of Australians do. In fact there are now 67% of men and 53% of women who fit into this category.

Of course suffering sleep apnea and its consequences - particularly the lack of energy and regular daytime sleepiness that follows - is bad enough. But this is not the only problem. Medical research has now shown that apnea raises blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease. It raises blood pressure because the heart has to work harder during those periods where no oxygen is being breathed in. This means the pressure of the blood against the arteries becomes stronger and this, in turn, puts pressure back on the heart.

As well as that, apnea has been associated with type 2 diabetes, the fastest growing disease in the world at the moment, which is largely due to our changing lifestyles. While diabetes itself is unlikely to kill you directly, it can lead to heart disease, but can also result in having to have one or both legs amputated, and this is obviously a considerable disadvantage in the transport industry.

Some occupations, like computer technology, office jobs and truck driving are particular occupational hazards for weight gain, and hence so is sleep apnea - unless something is consciously done about this. So what can be done?

The symptoms can be treated with a device called a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure) machine. This is a mask which has to be worn at night, with a pump beside the bed which blasts air at a pressure set by a doctor into the nose, keeping the airways passages open. The CPAP works well in most cases and helps sufferers get a good night's sleep. But it only treats the symptoms, and for this reason has to be used for the rest of the sufferer's life. As you can imagine, it does little for the sex life. It's also quite expensive to either buy or hire a CPAP machine.

Losing weight is obviously a better solution. Even a 10% loss in weight can cause a decrease in snoring and sleep apnea and an improvement in sleep. This then leads to a decrease in daytime sleepiness and less risk of dropping off at the wheel.

Dr Garry Egger MPH PhD Professor of Lifestyle Medicine at Southern Cross University and an Advisor to the World Health Organisation and Governments in lifestyle and chronic disease. Complete the free Lifestyle Improvement Questionnaire to assess your lifestyle based risks at http://www.lifestyleprograms.net/

Sleep Apnea and the Truck Driver Or Shiftworker

Sleep Apnea

Understand Sleep Apnea Breathing Mask much more

When it comes to treating sleep apnea, there are few things as important as the breathing mask that you wear in conjunction with your CPAP, BiPAP, or APAP machine. This is because the comfort of the mask, as well as the functionality of the mask, could make or break the effectiveness of the treatment.

Sleep apnea masks that cause excessive discomfort to the patient may worsen the problem beyond the apneas by causing restless sleep due to irritation caused by the mask. Breathing masks that fit poorly or do not make a proper, airtight seal with the face can also reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Because of this, choosing the correct mask for you is extremely important to the success of your apnea treatment.

For most patients, a sleep apnea breathing mask that covers only the nose is adequate. Held in place with straps that create an airtight seal around the nose, this type of breathing mask is perfect for those who have no difficulties with mouth breathing while sleeping. However, for those who do have difficulty not breathing through the mouth or keeping the mouth closed while asleep should consider a breathing mask that also covers the mouth.

Almost all of the sleep apnea breathing masks available today have what is called a built in leak, which allows air exchange through a one-way valve on the face of the breathing masks. When the patient exhales, the air is expelled through the valve, ensuring a constant supply of fresh air. Breathing masks usually have a strap that goes under the chin as well to further ensure the mouth stays closed while the patient sleeps. If the face mask makes the patient feel uncomfortable or claustrophobic, however, alternatives exist that are less enclosing.

Nasal pillows are small pliable pieces of plastic that are inserted into the nostrils. Once inserted, they form the seal against the inner walls of the nose. Because of this, there is little need for headgear, although some forms of this type of breathing apparatus come with straps to go under the chin to prevent the mouth from falling open. Because of the distinct lack of headgear, the user may find that it is more comfortable to wear nasal pillows than the traditional breathing mask. However, patients who are administered higher pressures of air should be cautious of using nasal pillows for this very reason, as there is far less security in the seal, which is much easier to break when experiencing higher pressures.

A similar delivery interface closely resembles nasal cannula. The tubing is inserted into the nostrils in a manner that causes a seal to form due to the large diameter of the hosing. Besides the lack of plastic pieces to form the seal, the nasal cannula functions exactly the same as the nasal pillows.

No matter what kind of sleep apnea breathing mask or apparatus you choose, be sure that it is comfortable and functional. Nothing is worse than attempting to use a device that is insufficient to your needs, as the treatment is then rendered ineffective. Be sure to tell your doctor of any complaints you may have with your current breathing mask, and don't be afraid to try many masks before settling on a permanent solution.

Sleep Apnea

Go to Sleep Apnea Zone to get your free ebook on Sleep Apnea at Sleep Apnea [http://sleepapneazone.org/]. Sleep Apnea Zone also has information on Sleep Apnea Breathing Mask [http://sleepapneazone.org/] along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Sleep Apnea Community site today for free ebooks and other free information that can help you today.

Sleep Apnea Breathing Mask

Sleep Apnea

Study Sleep Apnea - Current and Future Treatment Trends much more

For over 18 million people, sleep doesn't always come easy. Most of us get to lay our heads down on our comfy pillows and drift off to sleep without any problems; but for some, being comfortable is not an option. Most people have heard about sleep apnea and the fact that it is caused by the soft palate collapsing, which can cause a person to stop breathing. What most people don't know about however is the lack of comfortable treatment methods for those who have the condition.

It is helpful to know a little bit more about this sleep condition so that the treatments can fully be understood. As noted, people who have sleep apnea often stop breathing in their sleep when the soft palate collapses. A person can go several years without even realizing they have sleep apnea, especially if they live alone. This is because the number one sign that a person could possibly have sleep apnea aside from momentarily not breathing is excessive and loud snoring. Unless you live with another person who vocalizes how loud and disturbing the snoring is, a person might not ever realize that their snoring is that bad. It has been found out that sleep apnea tends to affect those more who are either obese, getting up there in age or a combination of both. Medical professionals expect that as the current generation of adults start to age, that they are going to continue to see a steady rise of patients who develop sleep apnea.

The current and most common treatment for the sleep disorder seems to be the use of CPAP, which stands for "continuous positive airway pressure". The unfortunate side to this treatment is that it requires wearing a large and uncomfortable mask to bed every night. Patients seem to agree that the mask is so bulky and uncomfortable that only around half of people who are prescribed one actually use it as they are supposed to. Diagnosis of the disorder is commonly made by admitting a person to a hospital or sleep study center overnight and observing their sleeping patterns and their breathing. Luckily, most insurance companies cover sleep apnea testing these days, but it was found out that if you have to pay out of pocket, the test can run around $1,000.00.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

While new medical advances are constantly being made, there has not been much done in the way of new treatments for sleep apnea. The one thing that is being done however is that companies who make the masks are trying to come up with ones that fit more comfortably so that patients will have no problems wearing them. That is the only apnea treatment trend that seems to be in the works and reasonable. For more on advances in sleep apnea and treatments for other health conditions, see http://www.theinternettimemachine.com.

Sleep Apnea - Current and Future Treatment Trends

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Understand Sleep Study - Your Sleep Apnea Study Procedure a lot more

What to Expect at Your Sleep Study

So, you have troubles sleeping at night? Or perhaps you are excessively tired during the day? Did you doctor suggest getting a sleep study done?

While you might be concerned at the prospect of sleeping at a strange place with strangers watching over you, the actual process is quite simple. Let's walk you step-by-step through what you can expect from a sleep study.

A sleep study, or polysomnogram, is the best way for doctors to discover just why you are not getting a good night's sleep. If you have an issue with snoring, restless limbs, sleepwalking, bedwetting, night terrors, insomnia, or difficulty sleeping while on shift work, a polysomnogram will let the doctors see just why you are having difficulties, and make suggestions which can help relieve the problem.

There are five different types of sleep tests:

Diagnostic Overnight Polysomnogram
Diagnostic Daytime Multiple Sleep Latency Test
Diagnostic Daytime Multiple Wake Test
Two Night Polysomnogram with CPAP Titration
Split Night Polysomnogram with CPAP Titration

The type of test you get will depend on the specific issues you are facing.

You will be given a set of instructions by your doctor before your sleep test. These instructions let you know how you should prepare yourself for your visit. Patients are asked to refrain from drinking or taking any medications before the test. If you have prescription medicine that you usually take at night, bring it with you and ask if it will interfere with the testing. Always let your doctors know exactly what medications you are taking, including herbal remedies and vitamins.

Before heading to your sleep test, pack a small overnight bag. You will need your PJs, the clothing you plan to wear the following day, toiletries, shampoo and/or soap for a shower in the morning, and any books/magazines/music that you might want for entertainment before sleeping. If you are fussy about your pillow, it is a good idea to bring your own along for comfort. Be sure to avoid any caffeine or alcohol the day before your test, especially after noon. It is wise to take a shower before your appointment, but do not use any creams, moisturizers, perfumes, or other skin products. All make-up, nail polish, and fake nails should be removed as they can interfere with the testing equipment.

You may have already been asked to fill out a questionnaire before your appointment. If not, you will likely be asked to fill one out when you arrive. This will inform the doctors of your regular sleep habits and help them interpret your results.

At most sleep centers you will have a private suite which includes a bathroom with a shower, and, of course, the bedroom. There will be a central monitoring station which may monitor several rooms at once. When you arrive you will be given some time to get changed and become comfortable.

Once you are ready for bed the technicians will hook you up to a series of sensors. These electrodes read a variety of information which is later interpreted by your sleep doctor.

EEG or electroencephalogram - These electrodes are attached to your head and measure your brainwaves as you sleep. Different patterns of brainwaves are associated with different stages of sleep. EMG or electromyogram - These electrodes measure your muscle reaction, indicating muscle twitches, leg movements, and many other movements typical of REM sleep. EOG or electro-oculogram - These electrodes are placed above your brow and/or below your eye to measure the movement of your eyes as you enter REM sleep. EKG or electrocardiogram - A series of electrodes on your chest to monitor your heart. Nasal Airflow Sensor - This sensor is placed near your nose and mouth to measure the temperature of your breath and the rate of your breathing, which will detect any periods of irregular breathing. Chest/Abdomen Belts - These two belts are placed around your chest and abdomen to measure the strength and depth of your breathing. Oximeter - This clip is attached to one of your fingers to measure the oxygen level in your blood.

In addition to the sensors attached to you, there are monitors in place to video record your sleep and record the sounds you make as you sleep. Having so many sensors attached may seem uncomfortable, but most people sleep reasonably well while at the sleep clinic.

A sleep test is generally finished by 6-7 in the morning. As long as you have a minimum of 6 hours of testing time, most clinics are fairly flexible as to when you need to leave. You will not get your results immediately after the test. It takes a couple of hours to process all of the information that has been gathered through the night, and then more time for a doctor to interpret the results. Most patients hear back from their doctors within a week of the sleep test.

Sleep Apnea

A sleep apnea mouthpiece is an effective way to treat sleep apnea and snoring. Finding a sleep apnea treatment plan is very important in living a healthy life.

Sleep Study - Your Sleep Apnea Study Procedure

Sleep Apnea

Examine Finding The Best CPAP Mask For You a lot more

Generally, when people see a CPAP mask for the first time it's hard for them to imagine that they are able to sleep comfortably while using this gadget. However the simple truth is, if you are struggling with sleep apnea and try this device one time, you will be surprised that you are able to rest better at nights. You can find several types of masks on the market, so when you decide to make a purchase you should know how to select the best CPAP mask.

Whenever you are selecting a mask, it is important to get the right fit. This mask must fit comfortably in order to supply steady pressure, which is vitally important for you to get the real benefits. Most of the masks can be placed over the nose or perhaps the mouth and nose, generally with suspensions. Ensure that this mask is fastened properly without being too tight or loose, since this might lead to air leaks, consequently lowering the overall effect of the device. The masks which supply pressurized air from the mouth generally don't need suspensions.

You can also find a nasal or sleep apnea pillow, which is attached to a plastic-type adapter to insert inside the nostrils, but many individuals believe that this is not as comfortable as the air mask. Needless to say, you can find sleep apnea treatments without having to use the mask; however these devices are still the least expensive and easiest option to use as prevention and a treatment. Even though, it might take a few adjustments to sleep comfortably with the device, if the mask fits properly it's easy to experience some relief.

In the end, choosing one of these gadgets will be your personal choice since you are the only one who can determine the best fit in order to be comfortable. Always select a mask which removes or reduces air leakage. Many of them can be found in two sizes and some designs are available in a wider selection of sizes such as petite, medium and large.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

For more information on the best cpap mask [http://cpapmaskreviewshq.com/] visit [http://cpapmaskreviewshq.com/]

Finding The Best CPAP Mask For You

Read Treating Sleep Apnea - Six Natural Methods That Work much more

Apnea is a condition in which the airways and the throat temporarily collapse during sleep. The immediate effect is that your breathing ceases. Treating this as an emergency, the body goes into drill and you wake suddenly. Of, course there is little risk of getting into dangerous complications since the muscles involved pick up as soon as you are awake.

The trouble is that every time that happens, you wake up and your sleep is essentially interrupted. The following ways are all natural and involve no taking of medication. If followed, you will have effectively treated apnea.

Watch you sleeping posture:

The condition has been known to affect many people whose sleeping postures are suspect. Simple organisation of your body on the bed can mean having your sleep interrupted or getting the right measure of sleep. You could buy a specialist pillow that aligns you spine, neck and head in such a way that the muscles that would otherwise close up do not. Alternatively, you can practise sleeping on your side.

Exercise you throat muscles:

It is obvious that there is a problem with a throat that closes up. The most probable explanation is that the muscles in it are too weak to keep it perpetually open. This is how to treat it. Get into music practice in which you do not only sing but also play a wind instrument. Blowing into a saxophone or a didgeridoo should work perfectly well and keep apnea in check.

Avoid irritants:

Keep off irritants that can jam your system. Have you noticed that you react to perfume? What about dust? If your answer is yes, then you should definitely avoid these substances that disturb your system with irritation. Even smoking should be avoided too.

Avoid some relaxants:

Alcohol and some substances contained in tranquillizers and antihistamines can also cause you to stop breathing during your sleep. In their work, these relax your body and to some extent might over-relax the muscles. When these muscles are the same that are being relied upon to keep your throat open, the possibility of their closing up becomes very real.

Use salty water to gurgle:

Since the trouble is in the airways, it is important to ensure that the possibility of anything causing their close up should be eliminated. When you gurgle using salty water, your tonsils automatically shrink. You are guaranteed some stretch of good apnea-free sleep.

Avoid mucus-producing foods:

This could work if you test them out and find them to be the cause of your particular problem. Bananas and dairy products are such food and you could stop their intake for a period of two weeks and keep a record of how you sleep. After the two weeks, resume eating them and see if there is a difference.

It is important to note that these natural remedies are for mild apnea and that they d not substitute a doctor's attention; they only precede it. In the best case scenario, they work and the doctor doesn't even have to know there ever was a problem.

Sleep Apnea Pillow

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Sleep Apnea Pillow